Chapter 18: An Old Tale Pt. 2

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POV: 3rd

"They... Were fallible" Jinn narrated as the projection of Salem threw a sword out of frustration, causing Noble Six to instinctively block a puff of smoke. "Salem traveled from one kingdom to another, telling tales of how she stole immortality from the gods, welcomed any swordsman to cut her down, and demonstrated her powers." Six watched as various people tried to strike Salem down, only to heal as if it never happened. "With the kings and queens in awe, she pulled them deeper into her schemes. She painted them pictures of a time when they would no longer have to watch their loved ones suffer and die, when they could claim the powers of their creators for themselves and in turn perfect their own design. All they needed to do was destroy their old masters." Noble Six watched as an entire army stormed their way up to the lake of creation. The light god rose from the waters in his dragon form, somehow not disturbing it. "The gods hopped that Salem would learn from her eternal curse, and she did. She learned that the hearts of man are easily swayed."

The dark god landed next to his brother in his own dragon form and roared at the humans. "Who has lead you down this path?" The two brothers asked them in unison.

Salem made her way through the crowd to stand against the two herself. "You!" The dark god growled in anger. Salem casted a fireball at the deity, signalling the rest to follow suit. The god simply held out his draconic claw and collected all of the magical power into a single orb. The younger brother looked at the sphere of power in his claw. "My own gift to them used against me." The light god looked away as if he knew what was going to happen. The dark god easily crushed it, causing a pillar of purple light to expand across the planet.

Noble Six looked around and saw nothing was touched, other than the army to seemingly have disappeared. The god then slammed his claw down next to Salem laying on the ground, a gust of wind blew her a few feet away from them. "You thought there was no greater punishment we could bestow upon you?" He spread out his wings in an intimidating manner to cast a large shadow over Salem.

The woman stood up and got in his face. "I'll come back, I'll tell the rest of the world of this massacre and build a new army!"

"You do not understand, there is no one left." The destroyer god lowered his massive head to look Salem in the eye. "You are all that remains of humanity."

"This planet was a beautiful experiment" the elder brother said. "But, it is merely a remnant of what it once was. We have learned from this failure, I hope that you will learn from yours." The light god glowed before turning into golden flower petals, his form blowing inthe wind a small distance before disappearing.

Salem walked towards where the god once floated. "No... You can't leave, you CAN'T leave! Come back!"

"Still demanding things of your creators" the dark god mocked before he lowered himself as if to fly off. With a flap of his wings the god took in as a purple beam of destruction, he crashed and went through the moon with no effort. Salem fell to her knees and cried as shards of the brocken moon fell onto the planets surface.

"Once again, Salem was alone" Jinn spoke. Her blue smoke changed the sceen to show Salem walking among the ruins of the world humanity left behind. "She cursed the gods, she cursed the universe she cursed everything, everything but herself. She wandered the surface awaiting a death that would never come, until fate lead her back to the land of darkness." Six watched as Salem wandered to a cliff and starred at the blackened water below. "This was it, this HAD to be it. The brothers grimm, the pools of black that continued to give rise to horrific nightmares. If the fountain of life granted her immortality, then surely the pools of grimm would take it away." Salem leaned over the edge and swan dived into the liquid. "She was wrong." The waters struck Salem numerous times, tossing her around like nothing. "This pure force of destruction could not destroy a being of infinite life." The spartan watched as a hand shot out of the water, Salem had dragged herself out. Her once blonde hair was now grey, her skin looked like porcelain, and her dress was now pitch black. The whites of her eyes were black and the irises were now a bloody red. "Instead, it created a being of infinite life that desired pure destruction. And in time, she would find her adversary."

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