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~Bold means speech. 
~Bold italics means authors note
~Italics means thoughts
~Underlined italics means other thoughts

Gray's POV

Ahhhh finally, time to think-. "OOF". Gypsy jumped on top of me and yelled, "I'm bored, wanna play the Wii Wii". I pushed her off and curled up into a ball, I turned around and looked at my phone. I answered, "Ughhhhhh".

Gypsy said, "What's going on?". Can I talk to her about this, I mean we're close but, are we that close. I sighed and sat up, Gypsy was looking me in the eyes. This was the conversation you have with your siblings where you can't look each other in the eyes. I looked at my bed covers and said, "Are you sure you wanna listen to me". Gypsy nodded and I continued, "It's about a girl".

Gypsy POV

Holy cow, he's finally realizing his feelings for Moon! I sat closer and nodded. Gray continued, "So I'm currently in the talking stage with her it's just, she's kind of toxic". I furrowed my eyebrows and said, "What do you mean?". Gray said, "She likes to leave people on delivered and, she can't handle the fact that I'm friends with girls". I looked at Gray and said, "It's probably more than that Gray. She could be insecure which if she is, a relationship won't make that better but also, it could be someone specific she doesn't want you to hang out with but, she doesn't want to say who". Gray looked at me and said, "She thinks Moon likes me". Or maybe it's not Moon he's talking about.

Gray 's POV

"Do you think, Moon likes me?". Because I think I like her too. Gypsy broke eye contact and said, "What?". I wasn't sure what she was asking what for. I said, "What, what?".

Gypsy said, "Dude I heard that". I looked away and said, "At first I didn't even think of Moon that way but, she was always so strong and in control. I liked how driven and focused she is, it helps that she's gorgeous too. I really never thought of her like that until Scarlet said-". Imagine that record player sound effect when it stops.

Gypsy said, "Hol' up, wait, wait, wait, wait. uh uh. SCARLET, you mean Scarlet, Scarlet. I know you lying... you know Scarlet hates Moon". I looked down and said, "I know it's just, she was always so nice and there drama isn't any of my-".

Gypsy continued, "Business yeah, the minute you called Moon your friend, all her drama becomes your business. Moon never complains about anything so of course you don't see how bad it is!". My eyes met Gyp's for a moment but I looked away and nodded. I said, "I'm just asking you, does Moon like me back?".

Gypsy's POV

I have two options, I could elongate the story and confuse everyone else more by not telling him or, I could just tell him the truth. I said, "Yeah DUH! you should tell her. We have school tomorrow too so you'll have time to tell her, I'll even leave you alone at lunch". Gray smiled and said, "I'm going to be nervous all night and day". I smiled and let my hand fall on his shoulder.

I said, "It's going to be alright, you have my full support". Gray smiled and hugged me, he said, "Thank you so much sis. I love you". I sighed and said, "Yeah, yeah love you too. Now get off of me before the audience forgets we're siblings". Gray laughed and I walked out his room.

I walked downstairs and I heard a computer clicking. I walked in the office and saw my mom typing. I said, "Hey mom, you busy?". My mom looked up at me and said, "Just give me two minutes and I'll be right with you ma'am". I laughed and she continued clicking away.

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