Chapter 2

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A couple hours had passed after Toothless and Hiccup found the little newborn Night Furry named (Y/n), and Toothless was wondering for some reason of why he felt a small connection between him and the baby. But he tried to hide his feeling of wanting to be like a father for him/her since he was the only Night Fury on the island. Hiccup had just left to go see his friend named Gobber, and asked his mother and Toothless to keep an eye on (Y/n) while he was out. The little hatching began to move around in his/her sleep, showing that (s)he was starting to wake up. Toothless stood up, but kept his wing over the baby.

(Y/n) woke up, and took a big yawn as (s)he stretched herself out. Hiccup's mother, Valka, smiled when she saw the two Night Furies finally standing. She walked over to them and bent down to get a better look at the newborn. "Now let's take a look at you." She smiled as the baby crawled in her lap when Valka sat down. "Let's see... One and a half foot wing span, two feet from tip to tail, not to sharp claws yet, and retractable teeth to chew yer food with." She smiled and the baby rolled on his/her back. Valka looked at the baby's jawline to see how old (s)he was. "Well now, seems you're only a day old aren't ya little one?" She smiled, and Toothless just listened and watched the baby roll on the floor and try to get both him, and the four winged dragon Cloudjumper to play with him/her.

Hiccup returned and walked over to (Y/n), picking him/her up softly. "I think I'll introduce (Y/n) to the others, and their dragons." He said looking into (Y/n)'s bright (E/c) eyes. "Probably a good idea. It's not everyday you see a Night Fury hatchling on Berk." Valka replied, petting the little (Y/n) again. Toothless shot his head up, then rolled his eyes, knowing that all the riders would want to hold (Y/n) or take him/her flying. And at his/her age of only a day old, (s)he won't be able to fly yet.

Hiccup and Toothless glided to the arena where the other riders where waiting for them. Toothless made sure to land softly on the ground, so as not to startle the newborn from the impact. Hiccup got off of Toothless, and (Y/n) squirmed in Hiccup's grip to see where they were going. Toothless looked at (Y/n) and told him/her in their dragon tongue to be sure to stay close to him, and to be carful of the other dragons. (Y/n) nodded and made sure to stay by the older dragon's side.

Hiccup entered the ring and was greeted with the other riders. "Bout time you showed up!" A boy on the back of a Monstrous Nightmare said with a scowl on his face. "Snotlout, you know that Hiccup IS the chief now. He's gonna be busy." A pudgy boy standing next to a Gronkle said. The little Night Fury looked around at the other riders and the dragons, wondering who they were, and what they're names might be.

"Everyone, there's someone, I'd like you to meet." Hiccup said, then walked over to the two Night Furies. Toothless gently nudged (Y/n) forward so that every one could meet him/her, and (s)he could still be close to him. All the riders began to "awe" at the sight of the baby dragon. "This is (Y/n). The newest edition to dragon training." Hiccup smiled with pride in his voice for the newborn. (Y/n) looked up at everyone, and got a bit nervous when some the riders began to crowd him/her. Sontlout picked up the baby by his/her sides a bit roughly. "This is the new edition? Ha! (S)he probably won't last a day in here." He said and (s)he tried to bite or scratch him to let him/her go. "Snotlout let (Y/n) go! Your scaring him/her!" The blonde girl with a single braid said as she punched him, and took the baby in her arms. Snotlout got up off the ground and held his jaw. "Ow Astrid. Your punches are getting harder. You work out?" He asked with a smug look on his face, making (Y/n) gag at the sight. (S)he jumped down from Astrid's arms then went back to being under Toothless, in fear from the other dragon riders grabbing him/her like how the first one did.

"We should all go into the Great Hall to write more on the Night Furies as hatchlings. (Y/n) doesn't look that old to be able to fly yet. So (s)he must've just hatched." Said the pudgy man in the group. "Good idea Fishlegs." Hiccup said as he got on Toothless's saddle, and Toothless picked up (Y/n) by his/her scruff, and handed him/her to Hiccup to hold. "We can all fly there and let (Y/n) get to know the dragons while they wait outside for us." Astrid said as she got on her dragon, the Deadly Nadder. As well as the others getting on their dragons. Hiccup nodded as he held onto (Y/n) and Toothless took off, flying out of the arena, with the other riders and dragons following them.

Once landing outside the Great Hall, the riders got off their dragons, and walked inside. But Hiccup turned to Toothless before he left. "Make sure (Y/n) is safe bud." He said, scratching the top of the dragon's head, then followed the rest of the gang into the Great Hall.

The male dragons of the group, decided to lay down in the sun, while the females took their interest in the Night Fury hatchling. The Gronkle introduced herself as Meatlug, and the Nadder introduced herself as Stormfly. And both introduced the males to (Y/n) by pointing out who was who in the group. (Y/n) smiled seeing the other dragons, and feeling more welcomed to the island.

The little dragon ran around the grass, and chased the spikes that would be thrown by Stormfly's tail into the distance. As (Y/n) played, Toothless made sure to keep his eye on him/her, seeing as (s)he was his responsibility to take care of when Hiccup and the others were not around.

(Y/n) was able to find the resent one of Stormfly's spikes that she had thrown, and as she was about to throw another, two Terrible Terrors who were wrestling in the air, flew in front of her face, scaring her, and making the spike she threw, go farther than she wanted for (Y/n) to chase. (Y/n) chased after the spike, and followed it near to the cliff face. As (s)he chased it, the little dragon didn't notice the cliff edge coming closer to him/her as (s)he ran.

Closer and closer (s)he got, until, Toothless was right in front of him/her, with a scolding look on his face as he looked at him/her, and told him/her in his dragon tongue to go back to the group. (S)he didn't hesitate to run back.

As Toothless watched the young dragon run back, he began to wonder why he had a feeling of connection between him and the little Night Fury. He tried to push it aside, but seemed to fail every time he saw his/her big (E/c) eyes and his/her smiling face when (s)he made the same smile as him with out his teeth. Something inside him seemed to be found whenever he saw him/her.

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