A White Demon

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For long since their creations, elves have held their fair share in wars. Alongside the men, dwarfs, and hobbits, Elves have fought beside them and against them. All so well known do tails and story's recorded upon books and scrolls depict the history of all the creatures of middle earth.

Elves are the fairest of the lands with their similar traits to be graceful yet strong. Their time was that of a cat's since they lived their lives with no weight of impatiens.

As it was said by one elf to a dwarf.

"One hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf!"

For the life of an elf is the weight of many centuries but can expand to a millennium. Immortal souls that do not know of illness or face the fears of mortal death. They humbly spend their days guarding their lands against the forces of darkness.

They tend to stay detached from the lives of other men and creatures. Their pride can be their crown but the hospitality of an elf is dependent on the traveler.

It has been known for some elves to take a shine to mortal men and even to dwarfs. A love that can be their undoing since their lives continue until the end of the world.

The loss of their love,

It is a curse,

A poison that lingers in them for ages.

Behind a flowering bush, blue eyes focused their vision on the engraved title of the brown-leathered book.

From the casting of a candle, it was clear to the view.

The night sky had blanked the lands in darkness as the creatures of night crawled out. The light that all creatures embrace for life, is the death for many others.

Creatures, creatures that the dark lord

Sauron had corrupted the creations of lite.

Some have nestled deep in the trees of Mirkwood with the hunger of flesh and blood.

Many who stray from the trail will find themselves in the jaws of a Shelob's offspring draining the light from the Forests.

But yet, here was a stranger in the depths of Milkwood reading a book with the light of a candle.

"What is it that you read?"

The voice was soft-spoken but the question was firm.

They did not even turn to see where the voice had come from.

"It isn't of your concern." The voice of a woman was clear to his ears as he stepped out from behind the bushes to stand proudly in the open for her to see.

For her to regret her tone of voice.

"If I the king of the Mirkwoods demands to know what a trespasser is doing and furthermore what they are reading on my lands,"

Those sudden words did hold meaning as the eyes of a shocked maiden met him.

Had her beauty not been masked by what she truly was he would have fallen into her enchantment.

The clouds had cleared their way allowing the illumination of a pale woman, pale as the dead would be.

A ghost? A Corpse? A spell?

Where, O' where did these feelings of danger and admiration come from?

Cleared from the shadows his blue star eyes met her icy blue eyes he would have mistaken them as grey or silver.

Just like his kin, she was thin and elegant with her movements.

Her atmosphere was of spoken respect and power, even now as she stood before he who claimed the title of Elvenking she stood strong of authority.

Like himself, she was the power and vision of noble blood.

Seeing the Elvenking stand before her in his armor led her thoughts a stray as she attempted to find the words to use.

From where he stood the moon pierced the thickness of the leaves illuminating the great prideful Elvenking.

Tall, slim and prideful each movement was controlled.

Avoiding the distracting thoughts that have consumed his sense of reasoning. He moved toward the open with long strides that seemed as if he weighed like air.

"I'd suggest you answer me."

Enchanted by what your eye beheld you were unable to react or speak. The true beauty of an elf that you have only read and envisioned but never seen. Your red lips parted but not to speak, this was not real!

Captured by his gracious strides you never even questioned if he was a danger for this moment could only be a dream. A dream that shone the moon's light upon the Elvenking's golden hair that seemed to be more of silk.

Radiance portrayed the strong yet elegant features, casting down a glaring shadow upon yours as the cold silver steel hovered beneath your chin. Unsettling were his blue eyes when they looked into yours.

An elf's precision in archery is one not to be questioned but their mastery of crafting and combat is never to be underestimated. Gracefully they take the lives of those that oppose them. One wrong move and he may harm you.

This was your first time meeting an elf in the flesh, one that was not of the ink on a sheet.

What words can be spoken? What excuses or explanations can be created? To fall so quickly the creation of a chance is fantasized.

This is a chance that will be done, one that can or will not work.

In other words, trying to think of something cool, clever, and smart to say to impress the hot elf dude who's holding a sword against your neck.

Why not?

"Who are you, who are you to so boldly claim the title of Elvenking?"

Oh yeah, that definitely did it. Might as well have him in a spell.

The claimed Elvenking smirked. "I am amused by your verbosity."

"Oh! Well, thank you. I am also amused by my own attempts at socializing." The light-hearted tone in your voice gave him the impression that you were not a threat but he remained on guard.

In these lands, trickery is always one to take one afar.

"It's not wise to claim the title of a king. Especially if it's Elvenking I'm pretty sure that can lead to death. I know if someone dared to claim my title they would have been fucking skinned and impaled for the vultures to devour." You said it while crossing your arms across your chest looking away to the side as if it were a simple yet tiring thought.

It's the way you said it that got him on edge. So unsettling you made him feel. Hearing these foul words come from your mouth. It was clear now to you that you had to speak cautiously.

The claimed Elvenking removed his sword from her throat with a glare of disgust.

"Now why would one claim such a title?" Just to even know that one would make such a bold claim of his position!

They could never!

"I am Thranduil, son of Oropher, and king of Woodland Realm. Do you know me now? Will you question me any further?"

He speaks down to the maiden to remind her who she has tempered with. "I apologize greatly for my insolence." You bowed with respect and in forgiveness as the Elvenking lowered his guard.

[The things I would do to this man if he continues to insult me! I keep playing this foolish role of a forgiving maiden. But my ignorance won't last for long.] you thought.

"Now I will ask once more, what is it that you read?"

You hold up the leather book holding it to 'his lordship'.

"A book my lord. I was following the map and got lost. I was hoping that if I continued reading I would know how to leave this place. I don't mean any harm, I'm just lost."

Thranduil tilted his head to the side inspecting the book before accepting the lightweight of it in his hand. Cautiously turning the brown leathered book he examined the engravings of the cover.

His piercing eyes looked at the woman before him.

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