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"The blood." Thranduil points at the red spots.

"Are you injured?"

He was willing to hear anything, any excuse just to get you out. You were cold and dangerous. You disarmed him and overpowered him.

There was something enlightening about you despite being a danger. Thranduil knew in his heart you were a creature misunderstood. Behind that icy cold skin that reminded him of the silver moon. Behind those elven bars stood what looked more like a scared girl.

There was good in you, it was just buried beneath your ego.

Like someone else..

Your entire act of a curious lost girl won't work on him. He knew you were playing him on but when you spoke of your story. It didn't sound fake.

It was real.

He's still with the idea that you are an elf corrupted by Sauron's dark magic.

"I can't let you go but I can have the elf women heal your wounds. They can not heal what's beneath your cold skin. But they can provide you with their warmth of companionship. I suggest you stay with them until I return from my errands."

Thranduil made sure that the last place he left you in was their open garden where the elven women resigned picking the garden's herbs. There was roofing to protect you from the sun.

The gardans were of plants and flowers and herbs and roots.

It brought you interest in the type of medicine they use.

"Do you expect me to resign here with your concubines, make nests and quilts and attend to your garden. Am I being confused as a -"

Thranduil raised his hand, closing his eyes not wanting to hear another word.

"I brought you here because you refuse to tell me if you are injured. If this bothers you then I'll simply return you to the cell. These women are not my concubines. I suggest you watch your words around me next time."

Stands before you glaring down as you look up to him with a wicked smile.

"I've been polite with you but do not test me. I'm offering you sanctuary. Do not, test me." He had leaned in to the point your eyes were gazing at the soft skin of his neck. Seeing where you had left your mark on him.

"Any closer Elvenking?"

Closing his hand around his neck he straightened his back. That feeling never leaves.

The feeling of our cold hands remained on his skin.

The bruising was slowly forming and you could see it.

He was trying to hide it with the longer collars and side bangs.

But you knew it.

He was doing all this and for what?

What could this foolish man expect from me? What can I Expect from him?

Does he honestly think he can win me in as a collection. I do not have time for these games. I need to get back Styria. What a stupid, foolish, broken man to let me out of my confinement.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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