Thranduil's Pov

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"Where are you from?"

I was eager to know where this fair creature had come from. For I have never set eyes upon a creation such as hers. Focusing on the leathered book, it held a map of our lands.

The lands of middle-earth.

"Where did you get this?"

My tongue was sharp in knowing where she could have gotten this book.

"This belongs to my people. This is from my kingdom. You dare steal from my lands?!"

Her hand rested on her hip as she scuffed, gazing upon me as if I were a fool.

"How insolent of you to accuse me of even stealing something too petty from a kingdom that I don't even know of. I happen to have come across it near a river not too far from here. I've been walking aimlessly for 2 sunsets. The book was left by some blond fool. I would think he was an elf. Like yourself.

When the shadows casted I took the book when I saw it held a map. But I am unfamiliar with your language. I was able to understand that part of the territory has creatures."

She slid her hand behind her neck, sliding her hair to the side as if she were bored explaining her situation.

"I was able to decipher that myself. I was close to understanding where I was if it wasn't for your interrupted me."

I could not believe a word she said, yet something held the light of reasoning. My son had left the book by The Forrest River. She did not seem to be lying, but she spoke of 2 sunsets. I can't believe she had walked these lands without a weapon.

Her elegant long dress was of material I knew nothing of. From the top it was black, and it faded into the deeper red color of the dress. Gold plates rested on her shoulders.

Her heels were of gold just like the bracelets that were curved from her wrists and arm.

"You do not speak to me that way. For a maiden of wealth and value, your tongue is far beyond your suit.

I can not believe a single word you speak. This book you held is mine. You expect me to believe you have been on these lands for 2 days dressed in fine nobility? You are clearly a thief!Where did you get this? Answer me, thief!"

To see her stand there flinching from the sound of my voice filled my theory. Her forgiveness and her words of calling me a king were of mockery.

She didn't flinch with fear. She held herself back from attacking me. I was unaware of just how low I had let my guard down around her. I would have not been able to react fast enough. All I would have had were my instincts and even now I feel powerless around her. Everything about her did not belong.

Her eyes fluttered open with such ease, she looked into mine.I could see it! I saw something, A faint light burning Burning through my core, it screamed out to me.

"Speak now!" I pressure her but her red lips only seem to tremble in rage. I knew that I wouldn't get the answers I desire if I continued on with these dry threats.

I raised my sword up, but she had slammed me down to the ground, pinning my arms to the side. She hissed as her mouth spoke out in a venomous tone.

"I will not stand here and accept the insult of being a liar by a stupid man playing with sticks and leaves. You can return to whatever tree trunk you came from and shove that book into the depths of your own wombs!"

Her cold hand gripped my throat as my eyes grew wide from her unimaginable strength. She had overtaken me without hesitation. With my free hand, I managed to take out my dagger as the clouds covered the moon.

Red was sweeping the whiteness of her eyes, making her icy blue eyes vivid from the pool of red. Her look was blank as if she were in a trance. Taking my chances, I grabbed hold of my dagger, allowing her to inch closer to my neck. I didn't understand her intentions. Perhaps she wanted to hear how the pulse of my life faded away.

As I raised my dagger, I went for her neck but stopped when the clouds of the moon had cleared away. A ray of the moonlight had illuminated on her. Her eyes widened as she rose away from me at a speed that I would have never imagined. Raising to my feet, backing away, I grabbed my sword as I rubbed the cold feeling of her hand away.

Regaining my composure, I saw the way the moonlight shined down on her as she gazed up to it. It was calling to her. She could feel it like many of us can.

(She may be an elf corrupted by Saurons magic.) Those were my thoughts. She is not of filth like others that have traveled my lands.

And the moon does not speak to all...

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