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His voice was soft; it brought you to comfort hearing him speak. You are aware that the Elvenking is aware of his beauty just as most elves are. They would be ignorant or foolish to act as if they were not fair creatures of this land.

It was confusing for you to have to find yourself attracted to a certain type of species and fight your emotions. You hate cocky people that rely on their looks but you are no different.

Elves' charms can become their manipulation.
So can yours.

The king noticed how quickly you turned your head away from him only glimpsing to his direction from the corner of your eye. This did bring some feeling that he was unaware of.
"Have you no manners to look at your king when he speaks?"
There will be no weakness to a stranger of divine beauty. Just as you were lost by his charms he had found himself in that same position.

His goal is to see what your attentions are before releasing you.
"Releasing her." It was easy to think of what he wanted to do but deep down inside something was fighting his reasoning.

He moved to the other side of the cell in hopes to get your full attention. Holding onto the bar he leaned in seeing the dry spots of dry blood beneath your feet.
"Are you hurt?"

"You are not my king, I have no king. I am y/n queen of Styria. There is no foolish man to claim my title."

Clearing your dry throat before scratching the back of your ear. "Queen of a land that I have never heard of! A queen without her castle without her men! A queen who was found wandering my woods lost. You are behind my cells within my kingdom. I suggest you change your tone with me. "
Thranduil kept an emotionless look as his eyes were unsettling.
Sitting on the stairs behind him to examine you he will try to influence you.

"What foreign tongue do you speak?" He asks while resting his hands on his knee.

" I do not recognize your smell or the way you speak. You are not a hobbit or dwarf. You resemble my people but speak not the tongue I know. You are not of ours but yet you look as if you were to be one of us. Are you half-elven? Are you a creature corrupted by Sauron?"

Closing your arms around your chest you are kept silent by the different ways you should respond.
"Very well, I'll start slowly. Where is Styria?"

"I don't know how to even explain this to you. My castle was invaded by the servant of my dead enemy. A forge master invaded my castle with his creatures.

I fought them." You leaned your head against the cold wall remembering how the floor was a pool of blood.
"When there was no other choice I took my own life."

Thranduil rose his head hearing and seeing how you seemed to be honest.
"I won."

You said with a weak smile. "No one took me, no one killed me. In the end I chose my faith."

"They didn't deserve my blood. The last thing I was able to see was the beauty of snowfall and the blue moon shining down on my last moments."

Thranduil would tilt his head to the side, puzzled by your words and actions.

"I assure you I mean no harm to you as long as you are cooperative with me. "

Gazing at him from the corner of your eye you moved to the bars keeping your skin away from it.

"You are a king. Am I not wrong?"

Thranduil responded, "I am the Elvenking of the Woodland Realm."

"I need you to trust me. If you can not trust me then please find me someone who will."
The Elvenking leaned in his face right across from the bars. Just as you were to speak an elf soldier entered speaking in their tongue.

The Elvenking stood tall, his eyes staring off to the side but they moved. They moved like hands playing the pieces on a chessboard.

You held no doubt his next moves were to be chosen wisely. His movements are controlled and planned, almost making the maiden believe he was not a man of war.

How wrong you are to believe in that.

That or he could just be choosing a time between to and from a bathroom break. They do have bathroom breaks right?
"I will return."

His eyes pierced into yours and that spot of light reflected into yours, he was questioning his decision in leaving you here imprisoned or releasing you.
The questioning has not finished. He can't trust you running around his kingdom.

What is he to do?

Another Suns Lie  (Thranduil X Reader/ vampire)  Updates paused. Where stories live. Discover now