XX ; i go off like a gun.

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« hemmings »

"Will you please tell me whats going on." I whined attempting to pout my lip even though he had his eyes focused ahead of him. He smirked and shook his head before turning the radio up so the seats were vibrating.





I hit him in the back of the head and hurried to twist the volume dial so I could hear myself think, though his laughter didn't cease as he was almost purple in the face.

"If you tell me I'll do anything." I pleaded though he continued looking ahead as if he didn't hear me.

"Did you know that drinking pineapple juice makes your cu--"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." I warned making him laugh slightly before he made a wide turn basically throwing me out of my seat, lesson learned -- wear a seatbelt in Calum's car.

"If you were a fruit you'd be a fineapple."

I groaned before playfully slapping his arm.

"Calum what about your Ashy."

His face dropped quickly as he clutched his eyes shut for a second -- only a second before he gathered his composure and continued to look at the road. But within that second I saw that he really felt something for Ashton, and something was up with him.

"He's been gone for three months Luke, plus he never liked me anyway." My eyes widened as I laughed, like how oblivious can this kid get?

"That kids basically in love with you."

"Then why did he like Michael so much more?" Calum whispered.

"Michael was in love with me, Ashton didn't stand a chance." I scoffed, probably sounding like a complete asshole.

Why couldn't I have realized I was an asshole earlier, like seriously I'm really beginning to hate myself though I feel like I should've started a long time ago.

When did I even become this person, I used to be so caring and considerate of others feelings. I mean I'm sure I know when it happened, around six years ago when I thought Michael wouldn't come back, but I don't understand why I did it. Like I guess I felt betrayed, I don't know.

"Luke, we're here." He said parking the car and pulling the key out of the ignition before looking towards me with his eyebrows raised.

"Sorry I spaced out," I murmured looking to see where we were.

It was a house, just a simple house that you would expect a small family or a young adult to live in, so I assumed it was Calum's house.

I climbed put of the car basically tripping over my own feet, then followed after Calum at a safe distance because I had no clue who or what could be behind those doors. He turned around and took in my uncomfortable expression and laughed before grabbing my shoulder and pushing me towards the door. "C'mon mate he won't bite." But then he leaned closer so he was basically breathing in my ear, "maybe."

I glared at him and he smiled cheekily, "nah it's okay mate, he's only allowed to bite me."

He pushed me to the side and pulled hot his set of keys going through about thirteen keys before he finally pushed the door open, though I felt it would've been easier to just go through the doggy door on the side of the house.

We walked inside and I examined the house, it was simply modern though the art on the walls seemed like original painting. Everything looked normal, but through the house I've yet to see a single person in sight other than Calum.

"He's in the bedroom," Calum whispered dragging me off to he only closed door before he pushed it open.

There was a boy on the bed humming along to a song on the speakers I recognized as Just One Yesterday as I smiled softly because I really like Fall Out Boy. I couldn't recognize him at first because he was looking down at his phone and texting furiously like honestly I felt like his fingers were going to start smoking he was typing so fast, so I took a small step forward making the floorboards creek and his head snapped up to look at me.

"Ashton?" I squeaked.

He gave me a faint smile before looking back down at his phone and replying to whomever he was texting with a face of sheer determination as I looked at him completely awestruck.

I turned to Calum ( a/n : I accidently typed camel and laugh for way too long ) who looked at the floor with a sheepish smile as he rubbed the back of his neck, I wanted to hug him for showing me that not everybody in my life was disappearing but I also wanted to snap his neck for smuggling Ashton and making me feel like I made him drop off the face of the earth.

"Calum, you've got some explaining." I growled as he looked up to me and nodded.

"Let's get this over with." Ashton sighed typing something before putting his phone down on the bedside table and getting off the bed so he was standing by us.

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