Maybe This Time it Was Worth it? - Prequel to 5x03

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(Author's note at the end 🤓🤓🤓)

Hi! I just edited this to change the drink they're drinking to something soft as we now know Chris goes to AA (mentioned in 5x10) 🥰 Lina asked for Coke with extra lime in a BTS video with Kenny so that's what I'm going with!


Chris sat on the sofa staring into space, her mind racing. There was so much going on right now. The changes gave her whiplash.

Would there still be a new team leader, a new team to impress? By now everyone respected her but still in the back of her mind she worried that the guys would make jokes about periods or mascara running.

And god don't even start on the Street situation. She closed her eyes and sighed. She picked up her phone and looked at the last message between them: "I wish you didn't leave so soon after Luca went to bed...". Sent yesterday  at 23:58.

She smirked. She had to admit it did feel good to know that he was thinking about her that late especially after... "god", she cringed, "I was really going to break my own rule", she thought. She hated compromising herself, especially for a guy, or a girl for that matter.

Maybe this time it was worth it though? She looked back at the message and allowed herself to think about where things had been going. "Eugh...", she groaned, her resolve weakening.

"Hey Street", she typed, before nearly deleting it. She hesitated. "Do you want to come over?". She quickly pressed send before she could change her mind.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. She opened it to reveal Street, standing there with a smirk, holding the message towards her.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Reading minds, apparently", he replied. "You texted me!", he joked.

"Hmm", she conceded, kind of flustered, kind of excited. The idea of Street in her apartment was exhilarating but also...anxiety provoking.

"Coke?", Street asked, walking over to the fridge.

"This is my apartment. How do you know there's-". She was interrupted by Street opening the fridge, fully stocked with 12 cans, opening one and passing it over to her, with a smile, dimples on show. She rolled her eyes playfully and leaned forward to clink her can on his. "And you'll be needing this?" he walked over to the fruit bowl and picked up a lime, cutting it on the side and squeezing it into both of their cans. Her favourite drink: Coke with extra lime. She sighed internally at how well he knew her.

"So, what did you want me for? Trying to seduce me again?", he grinned.

She flushed, embarrassed about how forward she had been last night. "That was...a momentary lapse in...-"

"Control?", Street chimed in.

"Judgement.", she clarified firmly. She became bolder. "And, trying? Trying to seduce you? I'd say it was going pretty successfully actually". She raised her eyebrows.

Street put his beer down in front of him and crossed his arms provocatively. "Oh so you think you can have me whenever you want, huh?", he asked, trying to keep the flirtation going. Chris just widened her eyes and brushed the comment off, taking a sip of her drink. She lost her nerve and walked over to the sofas on the other side of the apartment, the anxiety winning her internal battle.

He picked up his can and followed, knowing he had pushed it too far. The thing was he didn't know what to do. He was in love with her and something had to give. It seemed like 20-squad was over and maybe they could be together, but if it didn't work out with them this time, he would probably have to leave the team, make up an excuse to move to another squad. He couldn't go back to how things were before the summer. He shook his growing doubts off, she was probably just being Chris.

"So, what did you have in mind for tonight? Strip poker?", he ventured playfully, trying to test the waters.

Chris just glared at him and said, "don't start".

Hmm. So her walls were back up again. But they're conversation yesterday was so good. She seemed so sure that she wanted them to be together. He had a whole thing planned to finally ask her out after work today, but Hondo had come back to HQ before they ever actually got the new team assignments. Now he was the one with whiplash.

"Did I ... miss something?", he asked, confused. "Because I thought we reached an agreement last night".

She shook her head and looked away from him, taking a sip of her Coke. She felt compelled to be cold, for some reason. "Another momentary lapse in judgement I guess", she replied. "I've been acting reaaalllly out of character these days", she said sarcastically.

"Oh I get it.", Street said smugly. Chris turned to look at him curiously. "It's your pride, after last night." Chris' nostrils flared. "Oh wait no, I was about to ask you out so things were getting real and now you're trying to sabotage us". Chris clenched her jaw.

"You know you don't always know me as well as you think you do", she snapped. Except he did. It was both actually. Fuck. How did he figure that out before even she had? "Oh and I suppose you not texting me for a whole month while I was in Germany had nothing to do with cold feet, right?"

Street scoffed, shocked. He didn't even realise that had been bothering her. She had been so offhand about it when he tried to bring it up. "I told you, I had to focus on recovering!", he protested, losing his cool. She had seen through that. It was kind of a lie... the truth was he was testing her. She had been treating him like a friend and he wanted to put the ball in her court for once. He hadn't expected her to just not text him, though.

"Chris, look I'm sorry. Maybe I should just go. It's been a long day. Lots of emotions."

She sighed. "...yeah".

Street got up and moved towards the door. "Look...I'll... see you tomorrow. Maybe we'll finally find out if we're on different teams." 

They both knew that that meant more than just finding out if they were on different teams, but Chris didn't answer. Jim paused and then left. She turned to look at the door closing behind him. Damn her pride.

Hey everyone, thanks for reading!

Ok so I'm sorry that I had them arguing but ... hear me out...

There have been a few plot holes that were bothering me and when I started thinking about them I became a bit obsessed... Like, why didn't Street just ask her out when they were on different teams like he promised? Why was Chris so grumpy with him in 5x03 when she was so forthcoming in 5x02?! And why the fuck did he not text her for an entire month??? I couldn't rest till I had answers, so I had to come up with my own lol. I originally just wanted them to sleep together, whoops 🤷🏻‍♀️

I'll keep up the episode by episode thing for as long as it's possible because I want it to all link into the real show timeline but I figure I'll have to drop that at some point when they stop having so many Stris scenes.

Anyhoo thanks again for reading, I honestly prolly wasn't going to carry it on but the people who liked it etc inspired me to 🥰🥰🥰 I already have a plan for the next instalment but I might park it depending on the upcoming episode...

Emma 🌈

Ps. My IG is nick_andmarie if you want to follow me there (get it ... their undercover fake names in 3x03 - I'm hilarious, I know 😝😝😝)

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