Not Funny, Street - Pre 5x05

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Author's Note: Hey cuties, this one picks up straight after the last one, hope you enjoy!

I think we all have theories on what may have happened between The Red Cardigan episode and 5x05, here's my take, or at least, one of them.

Happy reading!

Love, Emma 🌈

The next day Chris woke way before her alarm and laid in bed, tossing and turning, fretting, worrying. She turned over onto her other side with a sigh before reaching to her phone to check the time. 5:38. "Eugh", she groaned, hoping it was later than that as she knew there was no way she would get back to sleep.

She worried about Street. She was worried that his admission last night that he felt totally alone now his mom was dead would still be bothering him today. That it would eat away at him and he might start to spiral. Something she knew a thing or two about. It was easy to forgive his coldness and lashing out, and she understood that it was coming from a place of sadness, but what if it carried on and he pushed her away completely? She knew she couldn't take that. But that's what she would do in his position, what she did do in his position, when Erika died.

She turned over again, with another sigh. Had she overstepped last night? Falling asleep in his bed holding his hand wasn't exactly respecting what he said about needing space, was it? The line between friendly and romantic was becoming non-existent for real now. For the first time, she actually kind of liked it, rather than being scared by it, or confused by it.

"No. No, Chris. Don't be stupid", she chastised herself. This whole thing was so annoying. Her own rule about dating cops was fading fast for Jim, but she still battled with the idea that everyone would look at her differently if she dated a colleague. And what, people weren't going to ask questions if one of them moved teams out of the blue? This was a department of highly trained police officers after all, you couldn't get much past them.

She flopped over onto her back and sighed again. "Eugh", she groaned, before giving up and reaching for her phone again. 5:47. Great. So that was a grand total of 5 hours sleep, if you excluded the whole, sleeping curled up with her sobbing best friend for three hours, thing. Which... she did.

"Alright, that's enough of this", she decided and got up to go for a run.

By the time she got back, it was 6:30. She checked her phone and saw a message from Luca: "he thinks he's coming to work today..."

Just as she feared. She found Street's contact in her phone and pressed the call button. He picked up after a couple of rings. "Chris? Hey..."

"Street, don't come to work today".

"How.?", he started before answering, "Luca. Am I under surveillance here? I'm fine. Really."

"Street, trust me, just take the day. Don't you have things to arrange?", she continued to try and convince him. After how he had been last night, there was no way he was as fine as he claimed, she knew him too well.

"It's really not necessary, I swear. I'm good!"

She still wasn't convinced. "Look, Street. You've stopped me from coming into work when it was a bad idea before, take my word for it. Call it... a favour. Payback, even". He was silent on the other end of the phone, which she took to mean he was listening. "I'll come by later and check on you. I can bring something to eat. Ok?"

He gave in. Maybe she was right and he should just trust her on this. "Ok", he replied softly.

After he hung up he went back to sleep for some hours. It was a deep sleep, full of dreams. He dreamed of the night his mom killed his dad. He had dreamt about it before, it wasn't the kind of thing you could forget easily, but this was different. Much more vivid. It was like he was actually reliving it from start to finish, not just fragments like it usually was. He woke up with a start, sweating and breathing heavily.

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