Freud Style - Post 5x06

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This takes place on the night of the funeral, at the end of episode 5x06.


Street woke with a gasp. It was the nightmare again.

He was back at his parents house, 12 years old. It was the day his mother shot his father. He had been reliving it every time he fell asleep since she died. He thought it would end after the funeral. After he finally said goodbye.

It was so vivid, he could even remember the smell of whiskey. He panted for a few seconds, feeling the sweat on his back. He took a few deep breaths and tried to remind himself it was just a dream, it was over. He was safe. He rolled onto his side and grabbed his phone.

Chris was awake, staring at the ceiling, doing what she had been doing a lot of recently: thinking. She sighed. Did he even still want to be with her? Had he changed his mind? Had she asked him to wait too long?

She mentally went through the options again. Trying to talk to Hicks or Hondo was risky. If it backfired, there was no way out. Maybe she could talk to Deacon? Hmm. Somehow she thought he would take her dating Street worse than her dating an engaged couple.

If she moved teams, it would feel like starting again. She knew 100% that the guys didn't view her differently because she was a woman, bi, polyamorous. And yeah, everyone else was cool with that, on the surface, but the doubts were always in the back of her mind.

And Street moving teams? 20-David was his family, literally. He didn't have anyone else. Asking him to give that up, for her? It was too much pressure. Too scary.

Suddenly her train of thought was interrupted by her phone buzzing. "Are you awake?".

She typed back, "yeah, why?", and was net a few seconds later by an incoming FaceTime call from Street. She sat bolt upright in bed and clicked to accept.

"What's going on?? Are you ok?", she immediately said, panicked.

"No no! Nothing, nothing. I'm fine", he hadn't meant to worry her.

She exhaled in relief and reached over to turn the lamp beside her bed on. She looked back at his dishevelled face on the screen, sat in his bed.

"Ok", she said softly. "You ok?".

"Yeah, umm. Bad dream." He exhaled a troubled sigh. "I, uhh, wanted to see your face."

She blushed in her dimly lit bedroom. "That sounds ominous. What happened?".

He sighed again. "Ok...but don't judge me."

She imitated him, "I may mock, but I never judge", and grinned at the phone. He grinned softly back.

He swallowed. "I've been dreaming of ...that night. With my parents. When my dad .... Actually more like reliving it. I didn't even know I remembered it. I had blurry memories but I guess I never let myself think about it. Is that normal?"

"To not think about it? Or to relive it? Either way, I've been there", she gave a small, comforting smile. He returned it.

"To relive it. It's like I'm back there. Every time I fall asleep."

"Hmm", she paused. "Street I, well, maybe you don't want to hear it. But, it sounds like the memories are there. And they need to come out."

"Like repressed memories, you mean? Freudian style?"

She momentarily looked shocked that he knew who Freud was, then grinned. "Exactly. Maybe her...passing... well, the memories want to come out. And the only way to do that is, Freud style. By talking about them ...with someone...a therapist".

He looked thoughtful. She continued: "After Erika..and..all that... I started seeing someone. Dr Wendy recommended them. It's not really about Erika anymore, it's my mom..the drinking...other stuff. It's really helped. Maybe Dr Wendy could help you too?" She waited a bit anxiously to hear how he would react.

He wondered for a few seconds. Therapy? Maybe she was right. She was always right. He turned onto his side and got down into bed, propping the phone up on the table next to him. She still managed to surprise him. "Thank you. For the idea, and for, you know, sharing that...with me. I'm glad you have someone to talk to about that, Chris. I'll try to talk to her tomorrow."

She smiled at his reaction and moved her phone to the same position next to her so they were looking at each other eye to eye.

They stayed like that for a few seconds before Street broke the silence, "you know, today was actually kind of nice? For a funeral at least."

Chris chuckled. "It was yeah..."She hesitated, " know that I was always going to come right?"

He looked back at her quizzically.

"We all were. Tan bought those paper bills as soon as we found out she was...gone. We just wanted to give you space. And...I mean...I didn't want to overstep".

"Chris-", he replied.

"But I meant what I said. If you need anything I'm here.'re not alone."

It was about the fifth time she had said that now. He believed her.

He just gave a small smile and said, "I know".

They stayed in silence facing each other for a few minutes and Street's breathing slowed down.

"I hope we can find a way to be together ...soon, Street", she said softly.

There was no reply. "Street?". She realised he had fallen asleep and smiled at his peaceful face.

She reached over and switched the lamp off to go to sleep too. She left the call running, still facing him, as she drifted off.


Author's note:

Hey, hope you enjoy them being cute. It bothers me that they're all "family" yet only decided to go to the funeral on the day...that's weird to me so I kind of filled that in a bit.

I'm taking some liberties with the therapy thing as there's nothing to say Chris actually is in therapy but ....She's grown a lot over the seasons so I like to think she is. And she really should be 😅

Oh and there's been some chitchat on Twitter/IG/in my own head lol about how funny/sweet it is when Street says something unexpectedly smart, so, had to do that here.

Unsure if I'm going to write anything after or before was just so perfect, I don't have anything to add or any pending questions I want to answer, only a kind of sad idea...we'll see but omg I think it was my favourite episode ever 🥺🥺🥺

Emma 🌈

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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