It's the Yet I'm Worried About - Post 5x02

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Authors note: hey! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy. This was something I came up with because you never actually see Chris leave Street and Luca's place after the "but I did need you" moment and I like the idea that there was more  to the scene that we just didn't see...

It's a bit smutty, mildly NSFW but nothing explicit 😏

Feedback and comments are very much welcome!

Emma 🌈


[This scene takes place at Luca's place, directly after Chris tells Street that she wants to give them a try]

"As soon as we get the new assignments I'm asking you out, deal?".

"Deal", she replied.

They smiled at each other for a few seconds.

" you wanna hang out?".

Chris chuckled and then looked sheepish. "I don't think that's a good idea".

"What? Friends Can hang out. We're not breaking any rules yet".

"It's the yet I'm worried about", she moved toward the door then turned back to look at Street. "See you tomorrow".

The door closed.

Street walked to the kitchen, smiling to himself and picked up a glass. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. He opened it and Chris was stood there.

She hesitated and said, "I guess a few hours can't hurt".

She closed the door and stepped close to Street, closer than friends stood. They looked into each other's eyes for a second before Chris took another step closer. They were touching at this point. They maintained eye contact for a few more seconds before Chris cupped his face and brought his lips to hers. She kissed him deeply and suddenly the last three months of distance took over.

Street Grabbed her waist and pulled her closer as she let her hand move down his chest. She paused to pull her camo print hoodie up over her head to reveal a grey T-shirt. Street looked at her for a second then cupped her face and kissed her again.

At this point Chris had forgotten all about any rules, all she could think about was him. She reached down to his belt and unbuckled it before swiftly pulling it all the way off and dropping it to the floor. Street pulled away and said, "are you sure this is a good idea?".

She nodded lightly and kissed him again. She reached down to his jeans and undid the first button. This time Street took a step back and said, "Chris, are you sure you want to do this?".

She Rubbed her forehead and said, "gah you're right, sorry".

"No it's not that I don't want to... but...".

"The rules. My rules. I get it".

"Yeah" he chuckled.

"Okay this time I'm leaving for real. Hasta mañana" she said, picking up her hoodie from the floor.

"Tomorrow", he replied.

The door closed. He walked back to the kitchen and started putting away the dishes, replaying what just happened in his mind. The front door opened again. This time it was Luca.

"Oh hey man" he said, trying to sound casual, like he hadn't just been making out with his badass, best friend, dream woman.

"Was that Chris I just saw leaving?" he replied.

"Yeah she wanted to talk, I guess today kind of messed with her mind...with all of our minds".

"I know man no more 20 squad... it's crazy".

There was a knock at the door. Street quickly moved to open it. It was Chris.

She was rubbing her forehead and said "look I...-".

He very loudly cut her off, "oh hey Chris back again? Luca just got home".

Her face changed. "Oh hey Luca I was just.. wanting to talk about today. Or not, wanting to be distracted I guess. Before the final shift. My mind is racing".

"Yeah I get it. How about pizza and a movie?"

She smiled. "Sounds perfect. But only if it's Hawaiian."

Luca moved to the kitchen to grab some water. Street said quietly, "what are you really doing here?"

She looked back at him and smiled slightly. "Wanting to be...distracted". She gestured to his jeans.

"Oh"...he did up the top button and smirked.

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