Couldn't They Just Be Normal? - Post 5x03

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"What do we do now?"

"We keep doing what we've been doing."

"For how long?"

"As long as we have to I guess"

Chris quickly left leaving Street staring at her retreating figure, a million thoughts running through his head. None of them good. Was she not upset by this? How was it so easy for her to forget her feelings and go back to being colleagues? Did she actually even want to be together? He could have sworn she looked relieved hearing the finality in Sanchez' speech. He paced a little on the spot he was standing, trying to figure out his next move.

Why wouldn't she just let him move teams like he offered before she went to Germany? He had already told her it was worth it, anything would be worth it to be with her for real, to hold her, to kiss her. For real this time, not because he might be about to die, or guiltily lustful, worried that he was responsible for her compromising herself. To just be together, like normal people, for once. Eugh, couldn't they just be normal?

He quickly walked down to the locker room, hoping to catch her again before she left. But when he got down there, she was already gone. He took out his phone and started writing a message to her.


There was a sharp knock on the door of Luca's house. Street inhaled, already knowing who it was. This could go one of two ways. "Time to see which", he thought to himself as he moved towards the door to open it.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?", Chris marched into the room, her phone outstretched on his last message to her: "Before shift tomorrow, I'm requesting a transfer. I want to be with you. "

Alright so it was option two then, this was going to go badly. He sighed. "Chris-", he started.

"No Street, no. What the hell are you thinking. Didn't you hear me earlier? We can't be together at the moment. The team is in bad enough shape as it is without you throwing it all away for...", she trailed off, not wanting to finish her sentence. "How can you be selfish?", she spat with a glare, raising her eyebrows at him.

Wow she really was angry. He took a step closer to where she was stood by the sofa. The same spot she was stood when they agreed, finally, to go out once the team disbanded. Of course, he had never gotten the chance to enact that plan. She had run off immediately with Deacon, like she was purposely avoiding being alone with him. He had taken the hint and left it, but before he knew it 20-David was back together.

"Chris", he said exasperatedly. "I'm not just saying I will move teams, I mean it. I'm serious."

"Serious about what?", she snapped back. "Ruining both our careers? My career?"

"Chris I thought we were passed this. The other night... When you said you needed me..." He looked over at her and saw her clench her jaw and flare her nostrils, recoiling at the memory. He knew it was hard for her to let down her guard, even to him. He wished it was easier. This would all be easier if she actually stopped trying to control her emotions like they were some mission that could be perfectly managed. He stepped even closer to her now, so that he could touch her.

"Chris, I get it.", he reached out and softly placed his hand on her arm. "You're scared, about us", he looked down at her.

She exhaled and flashed her eyes up to his face. For a few seconds he could see that he had got through to her. Her face softened and she lifted her huge brown eyes up to meet his.

Suddenly her brow furrowed and she stepped back, brushing his hand of her arm coldly. "No. No.", she said firmly in response. "It's better this way. We're teammates...friends.", she hesitated, not really believing it herself. "Us being together is still just a pipe-dream." With that she headed for the door, not looking back at him.

"Chris!", Street replied exasperated. "But it isn't just a pipe-dream. I just gave you a plan! Why do you always keep running aw-". Chris slammed the door shut before hearing the end of that sentence.

Her head knew she was right. There was still no way to be together that didn't involve one of them fucking up the jobs they worked so hard to get, both of them. She focused on this, what her head was saying, as she quickly climbed back into her Jeep. She started the engine and turned the radio up to drown out the sound of her gut and her heart disagreeing.

Author's Note: Hey there Stris fans....sorry that they are arguing again...

I'm still not really over THAT scene in 5x04 *shudders* but wanted to get this little in between 4&5 scene I had in my head published before the new episode on Friday. I also have a whole piece for after That Scene that is nearly finished too that I'm hoping to post early tomorrow.

I think I might end up having to drop the episode by episode thing soon because it seems like we won't be getting any new Stris stuff for a while (pause to wipe tears) so I'll just have to actually write some of the things that have been floating around in my head. We will see!

Thanks for reading, hope it helped fill the Stris void for now.

Emma 🌈🌈🌈

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