Chapter 11

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"Well I'll be back," I say as I get up.

"Where are you going?" Five asks.

"To get a dress."

"A dress?"

"Well, we are going to that party thing tonight right?"

"Yeah," Five says.

"So I need a dress. Gotta blend in," I say.

"Can I come?" Lila asks.

I look back at Five not knowing what to say.

"Should I let her come?" I ask telepathically.

"We need her to trust us," Five says.

"Fine. You can come. But you need your own money," I say as I pick up my coat and purse.

"Don't worry, I have some," Lila says as she pulls a black wallet out of her dress pocket.

"Where did you get that?" Diego asks.

"Pickpocketed it out of a stranger's back pocket."

As we were about to leave I turn back around towards Five.

"Give me your wedding ring" I say.

"Huh?" he asks.

"I will get it resized for you while I'm out."

"But we don't know what size I need," Five says as he unclips his necklace.

I walk over to Elliot's desk and take out a clothing tape measure, pen, and paper. I walk back over to Five and sit next to him. I grab his hand and wrap the tape measure around his ring finger.

"Does that feel okay? Or would you want it looser?" I ask.

"It's good like this," Five says.

"Alright, 60.8 millimeters," I whisper as I write it down on the paper.

I put the paper in my purse.

"I will give them these measurements and they should be able to figure out your ring size from there."

Five hands me his ring and I put it in my purse. He put's his necklace back on and I walk downstairs with Lila.

"So where are we going to get a dress?" Lila asks when we get outside.

"I know a dress shop around here. But we are getting Five's ring resized first," I say.

"So, what's your power?" Lila asks.


"Well if Diego and Five have powers I assume you have some."

"Yeah, I do."

"Well, what are they?"

"Why do you wanna know?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm just curious."

I roll my eyes and continue to walk down the street. I shouldn't have brought her along.

"I have telekinesis, telepathy, and can reboot people," I say. "Technically I have mind powers just divided up into three different forms."

"Reboot? What's that?"

"I can scramble people's electrical signals in their brain and make them lose their memory temporarily. Or permanently if I really wanted to."

"Ohh... can you show me?" Lila asks.

I sigh and look around the street. I see a guy walking with a lady. I look at him and reboot him. He looks around all confused.

The Time Traveler's Wife. (Book 2) (Five x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now