Chapter 14

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Five and I have been following Lila for about 15 minutes now. We followed her to some abandoned warehouse. We hide behind a cement wall while watching Lila bust the glass part of a door down. She sticks her hand through the glass and unlocks the door. She then runs into the building. Five and I wait a few seconds before following her inside. We run up to the door and look through the broken glass.

"Come on," Five whispers.

He grabs my hand and blinks us inside the building. We land behind Lila while she is still running.

"What's your game, crazy lady," Five asks.

"Who cares? You two said if you saw me again, you'd kill me.

"Oh, we remember," I say.

"Well, come on, big talkers. Let's get this done."

"All right."

I punch Lila in the nose and Five blinks behind her. He lands on the floor and was about to kick her, but Lila bets him to it. She turns around and kicks him in the face. Lila turns back around and faces me. She kicks me in the ankles, causing me to fall. She tries to run away but I grab her foot just in time, causing her to trip. I go over to her and try to kick her in the stomach but she rolls over just in time. She gets up and runs down the hallway. Five gets up and we follow behind her. We reach this big room with lots of tanks in it. Five blinks in front of Lila, leaving me behind her. Five jumps and kicks Lila in the face. Lila throws punches at Five but he spins around and kicks her in the side of the face. Lila then punches Five in the cheek. Five goes to swing at her but she ducks just in time. She takes Five by his shoulders and knees him in the stomach. She kicks him in the face causing Five to fall a little. He gets up and kicks Lila in the stomach. Lila then does a flip over the table and lands in front of me.

"Your turn," she says.

I grin and knee her in the stomach. She scoots back a little and lunges towards me. She tries to punch me but I dodge it. She kicks me in the stomach causing me to fall on my back. Five tries to help me up but I tell him I got it. I stand up and walk over to Lila. We throw punches at each other but we both dodge every one of them. I eventually hit her in the eye. She tries to kick me again but I grab her leg before she could. I let go of her foot and punch her in the nose. She holds her hands over her nose to try and stop it from bleeding. I do a back handspring and kick her in the chin. I look around the room and see a pipe laying on the ground. I watch as it comes flying in the air towards me. I catch it and turn back around to where Lila is. I attempt to hit her in the ankle so she would fall, but she jumps over the pipe and over the table. I have to say, her fighting skills seem very familiar. Like she was taught this before. Five and I run to the side of the table she was at but don't see her.

"Is it just me or does her fighting skills seem oddly familiar," I ask Five telepathically.

"It's because she is part of The Commisson," Five says

"What? How do you know?"

"Like you said, her fighting skills are familiar. She is fighting the exact same way anyone who works at The Commisson would."

I then hear a different voice in my head.

"I'm waiting," I hear Lila's voice say.

What the hell? How could I hear her if she didn't say anything out loud? I didn't try and read her mind. Plus, it's not possible. Last time I tried to read her mind I couldn't. It's like her mind was blank. I look over at Five and see he was also confused.  

"Did you hear that too," I ask.


We then hear laughing coming from behind us. We turn around and see Lila standing on the other side of the room. Five grabs my wrist and blinks us to Lila. When we get to where she was she wasn't there. She was on the other side of the room. How the hell did she get there so fast?

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