Chapter 18

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Five and I land in front of the Lonely Lodge Inn. I look around at all the people. People were dressed up in some type of costumes. I put my baseball bat over one of my shoulders and take Five's hand.

"You know, I don't remember this being the style in the 80s," I whisper to Five.

"They are probably just here for a party or something."

Five takes out the note The Handler gave us and reads it. He looks at it and then back up at the building.

"This is it," Five says.

"Let's get those over with," I say.

Five squeezes my hand and we walk towards the building. As we were walking a car door opens almost hitting us.

"Hey! Watch it," I say.

Five grips my hand harder and drags me away from the car.

"You have to calm down," Five whisper.

"Don't tell me to calm down!"

Five looks at me and gives me a stern look.

"Sorry...I just... one part of me is nervous and the other part is...excited," I say.

"I get what you're saying. I feel the same way."

"What do we do with the briefcase," I ask.

"Stay here. I'll hide it."

Five blinks away and comes back a few seconds later.

"Where did you hide it," I ask.

"In one of the empty rooms."

We walk inside the building and look around. I point to an employee who was fixing some letters on a letter board. We walk up to her as she continued to fix the letters. She was dressed up in green clothes and her hair was really curly.

"Excuse me," Five says.

The lady jumps a little and looks up.

"Uff da. You snuck up on me there. If you two are looking for the cookies, we don't put 'em out till 3:00," the lady says.

"We can hardly wait," Five says.

"Uh, do you happen to know where the Midwest Soybean Society is meeting," I ask.

"Sure do. Muskellunge Banquet Room. You two looking for your mom? She in for the convention," The lady asks.

"Uhh yeah sure," I say with a fake smile.

The lady looks at me and then the baseball bat over one of my shoulders. She kinda gives me a confused look.

"Oh uh, we just got done playing baseball with some friends," I lie.

"Oh well, that must have been fun," The lady says with a smile.

I look over at Five and see him looking at a vending machine in a hallway.

"Yeah...hey, could I get some change," Five asks.

He pulls out a dollar bill and hands it to the lady.

"Oh, sure, I'll just look in my purse."

The lady opens her fanny pack and looks around in it. I can hear coins moving around in the fanny pack.

"Only a nickel and a couple of dimes. Oh! You... are... in... luck, mister!"

The lady hands Five some change and smiles. Five looks around the room as he fixes his sweater vest. I could tell he was getting nervous.

The Time Traveler's Wife. (Book 2) (Five x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now