Chapter 17

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Dad, Five, and I were all sitting at a bar talking. The supper didn't go too well so hopefully, this will go better. I was sitting next to Five and in front of Dad, waiting for someone to say something. I move my hair to my shoulder and start playing with the ends of it. Five looks at me and moves my hand away from my hair. He takes my hand and interlocks his fingers with mine.

"You two seem to be the sensible ones of the bunch," Dad says as he turns towards us.

"That's because we're the oldest," Five says.

Dad gives us a confused look.

"You know, technically, we're older than you right now," I say.

Dad just slowly nods his head.

"Cognac," Dad asks.

"Just a smidge," Five says.

"The other night you both quoted Homer at me. Why," Dad asks as he pours us our drinks.

"You forced us all to learn it as kids. In the original Greek, no less," Five says.

"Along with 6 other languages," I say.

Dad nods and pushes two cups towards Five. Five keeps one and hands me mine. Dad raises his glass and we do the same. We all take a small sip of our drinks.

"This world ends in five days if we don't get out of the timeline," Five says.

"Worlds end. Paleozoic, Jurassic, and so on."

"We can do something about this one."

"Man's greatest flaw: the illusion of control."

"We need your help. All right? You're our last sane option. Otherwise, we gotta make a deal that we really don't wanna make," I say.

"What do you know about time travel," Five asks.

"In theory?"

"In practice."

"I know it's akin to descending blindly into the depths of freezing waters and reappearing..."

"As an acorn. Yeah," Five says as he nods his head.

"What transpired when you tried traveling before," Dad asks.

"I botched it."


"I jumped us too far forward, got us stuck in the future for 45 years in an apocalypse. Then I jumped too far backwards...except this time I brought my entire family with me."

"Us," Dad asks.

"I brought Y/n and she got stuck with me," Five says.

"Why did you go," Dad asks me.

"I wanted to go with him. I couldn't let him go alone," I say.

Dad thinks for a minute.

"Maybe your appetite is disproportionate to the size of your abilities. Start small. Seconds, not decades," Dad tells Five.

"Seconds," Five asks.


Five and I both scoff.

"Look, no offense, but I need a bit more time for what we're trying to accomplish," Five says.

"So much can change in a matter of seconds. One could overthrow an empire. One could fall in love..."

Dad looks at Five and then me. Five and I both look at each other. I smile as Five gives my hand a little squeeze.

"An acorn doesn't become an oak overnight."

The Time Traveler's Wife. (Book 2) (Five x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now