Chapter 12

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A/n: I recommend playing this video whenever I say to. I love this song!


Lila, Diego, Five, and I were hiding behind a wall outside of the Mexican Consulate. The sun was setting and the air was getting cooler. Diego pecks out a little bit from behind the wall.

"Now," he whispers.

Diego climbs over the wall followed by Lila, then Five, and then me. Five grabs my hand and helps me down from on top of the wall. We duck down and hide in between two cars.

"So, what's the plan?" Lila asks.

"We infiltrate, we identify, we extract. Double time," Diego explains.

"Pretty easy," I say.

"What the hell's he talking about?" Lila asks Five and I.

"Find the old man and get out fast," Five says.

"That's what I said. On me."

Diego quickly runs next to one of the other cars.

"After you," Lila says to Five and I.

Five just gives her a stern look and I scoff.

"What, I can't be polite?"

"Cut the crap. All right? Our dimwitted brother might buy your bullshit, but we don't trust you for a second," Five says.

"O ye of little faith," Lila says.

"Stick it up your ass," I tell her.

Lila smiles and runs next to Diego.

"So much for getting her to trust us," I whisper to Five.

Five runs to where Diego and Lila are. I quickly follow behind him. Diego looks out behind the car towards the security. When the coast was clear we all run to the side of the door. We walk inside and see a whole bunch of people dressed up. There was a band playing slow music in one of the rooms and waiters were serving drinks to everyone. Five grabs two champagnes off one of the waiter's trays. He hands one to me and keeps the other.

"Thanks," I say as I take a sip.

"I don't see Dad anywhere," Diego says.

"Just keep an eye out for the Majestic Twelve. We got the upstairs, Five says.

Just as Diego and Lila were about to walk off I stop them.

"Oh, and Diego, try not to do anything too stupid," I say.

I pat his shoulder as Five and I walk away. I listen to the sound of the people talking and the band begins to play a new slow song (A/n start song now). Just as Five was about to go upstairs I stop him.

"Wait," I say as I grab his arm.


"Let's dance," I say.

"What?" Five asks.

"Let's dance. I mean, a few minutes won't change much. I didn't see you for 10 miserable months so let's at least dance to make up for some lost time."

"I knew you were going to say that. Alright fine, let's go," Five says as he interlocks his fingers with mine.

We walk to one of the ballrooms where people are slow dancing. A waiter comes by and we put our drinks on his tray. I put one of my hands on Five's shoulders while he wraps one of his arms around my waist. Five grabs my other hand and interlocks it with his.

We slowly sway to the music not caring about anything else in the world. Right now we only care and acknowledge each other. Not Dad, not doomsday, not The Majestic Twelve, just each other. I rest my forehead on Five's as we continue to slowly sway to the music.

The Time Traveler's Wife. (Book 2) (Five x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now