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Alyssa's POV
It's 5:08 and we have to leave by 5:30 because it takes about 80 minutes to get to my parent's place from here

My mom does not like tardiness so we have to get there before 7:00 pm

Leo is still getting ready while I wait for him in the living room downstairs

I decided to wear something simple since it's just a family dinner

"Ryan, get me a glass of water" I said

"Here you go, ma'am" she said placing it on the table


I picked it up to drink when Leo walked into the living room


He was wearing a white tee, black pants and black shoes alongside a silver wristwatch

I dropped the glass on the table, stood up and walked to the door with him behind me

"We're leaving!" I called before walking out towards the already waiting car

I walked to the passenger side and sat there while he sat at the driver's seat

There was a car full of guards behind us, you know, in case anything happens


"Mum, don't add too much... ow!"

"Just because you're a chef doesn't give you the right to tell me how to cook"

I'm currently in the kitchen with my mum, cooking

Yes, she just pulled my ear because I warned her about the amount of salt she's putting in

"Alright Mama"

"Hailey," she called after a while

Whenever she calls me by my middle name I know she's about to give me a speech

"How are you holding up? You know, with Jordan?"

I stopped chopping the carrot and sighed

"I really don't know but so far, apart from the usual bickering, we're good"

"Except that one time when we..." I trailed off remembering that I wasn't supposed to let her know "...we fought over who was gonna shower first"

Have I mentioned I am a terrible liar under pressure?

Well, now you know!

"You're a terrible liar"

"We had sex a few days ago"

"What?!" She did not seem happy

"It's not what you think. We were playing a game and Allison-"


"Calm down mom. The gang planned it as this stupid prank but they apologized"

"I'm calling Allison"

"No! You need to stop treating me like a baby. I can take care of myself"

"Alright baby, I won't call her or tell your dad, you just make sure it doesn't happen again, am I clear?"

"Clear" I replied as I continued cooking


"My favorite was the lava cake" my dad said just as we finished dinner

"Of course it was, it's your favorite" I commented

"Mine was the duck" mom said

"Mine was the duck" mom said

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