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I called Allison yesterday and we've made up (like we always do).

Rosette has been visiting non-stop to gush over her birthday celebrations.

I'm currently in my room, getting ready to leave as my flight leaves in 3 hours.

Leo is taking the bags downstairs while I'm getting ready to leave. We've given the staff some time off work since we won't be home

Allison and my mom are also headed to Miami. I suggested they stayed with us but they preferred to lodge in a hotel

"Are you done?"

"Yeah. I'll be down in a sec"

I looked around to make I wasn't forgetting anything then I took my bag and locked the room

I grabbed my smoothie bottle and a fruit bowl before I left the house

We were driven by Logan (I think?) because he's supposed to bring the car back home.


We just got into the house and it's a private area. Thankfully

I was carrying my bag into the room I'd be staying when I got a message from Jennifer

"My mom locked all the rooms except one. Sorry!"

How did she even know about the house?


"Seems like we're stuck together, again" he said as he walked in with his bag

"What is wrong with you? Why did you tell your mother about this house!"

"Are you okay? What are you talking about?"

"Jenny just texted me, your mom locked all the other bedrooms. How did she even know about this house?"

"I don't know, okay? I was just about to ask why the other rooms were locked"

"If you didn't tell her, then who did? 'cause I did not mention the address of the house to anyone"

"I didn't either. The only person who knew was both of us and"

"Harry!" I cut him off as I realized that that two-faced backstabbing gossip could have told Rosette

I called him and you know what that water-mouthed nonentity said?, "it's just business".

The nerve of that guy!

"You have got to change your agent"

"You don't say, eh?"

I walked outside to let him change, only because I needed some time to myself.

I was about to open the fridge when I realized that we had no food

"Jordan!" I called as I ran up the stairs


"Get out. I need to change"

"You left like 2 seconds ago"

I picked up the shirt and pants he placed on the bed and shoved it in his hands. And I slammed the door on his face

I quickly picked out something to wear from my bag and ran downstairs

Leo was sitting down on the dining chair outside when I got down

There was a car in the driveway and the key was in my purse

"Hey" I called as I threw the car key to Leo "we're going to get food"

"So that's what this is about"

"Just get in the fucking car and drive"

He got in the driver's seat and I sat on the passenger seat. I put in the address of a nearby restaurant that I found on Google maps in the gps

"Who names a restaurant ‘passion twist’?" Was the first thing he said when he saw the place

"If you're not hungry, you can stay in the car"

He walked in with me and I chose a corner table at the edge of the restaurant

We ordered, well, I ordered and he chose to stick to what I ordered. Few minutes later, the waiter brought our food and a pitcher of their ‘special’

Whatever that was...

When we were done, he paid and we left

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When we were done, he paid and we left.

Rosette's first party is a cocktail party and it's tomorrow night. My outfit was with my sister and she's supposed to bring it to me, today

She said she wanted me to try something different, which literally means that it's short

Something different, something short

I got a call from my best friend, Kylie at 5 pm


"Kylie! I feel like we haven't spoken in forever"

"You called me four days ago"

"Oh, that's true"

"I'm outside. Come get me" and she hung up

I walked outside and there she was, coming out of her car

"Allison could not make it so, I'm here" she smiled "come on"

She practically pulled me into the house

"Here! Go try this on"

"Follow me" I said as I led her upstairs

Leo was sleeping. So, I did the only reasonable thing I could.

"Wake up!!" I screamed

And he did, after he fell to the floor and banged his head on the nightstand...

"What the hell?!"


"Are you high on something?"

"Woah, there. Sorry but I am gonna need you to get out. Now"


"Because I need to use the room"

"Go somewhere else"

"If you want me to go, call your fucking mom and tell her to unlock the other rooms"

"Don't disrespect my mom"

"Tell her not to invade my privacy"

"You want her to stop yet you do the same"

"Did you just compare me to Rosette?"

"Both of you, shut the heck up!" Kylie screamed "Jordan, go downstairs and when we're done you'll come back"

"It's not so simple" he responded

"Shut up and go"

After he left, I tried the dress. Kylie called it sexy, I called it skimpy


Merry Christmas y'all. 💞

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