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JOHNNY (5:35pm): pick you up at 6.

Y/N (5:36pm): sounds good

JOHNNY (5:36pm): have you quite yet?
JOHNNY (5:37pm): *QUIT

Y/N (5:38pm): will on monday

JOHNNY (5:39pm): promise N/N?

Y/N (5:40pm): i promise :)

Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Your Last Name
N/N = Chosen Nickname

JOHNNY OPENED THE CAR DOOR FOR ME, as I silently grabbed my bag, stuffing my headphone's inside.
"Pussface," he greeted Adam, his brother. Older, but shorter with glasses and non-formal dressing- just a t-shirt and jeans. Jonny, on the other hand, had a formal shirt on, and work trousers and shoes. I guess my outfit could be considered 'dressy'- a fancy-ish t-shirt, and crotched cardigan, as well as jeans. A mix of the two you could say.
"Miss Y/N," Adam then turned to me, "Or has Jonny finally asked you out?"
I grinned at him, the same greeting as per usual, and from the corner of my eye, I saw Jonny roll his eyes. He closed the car door, "Got a girlfriend, unlike you," and began to walk alongside me, "Ignore him,"
"I always do," I told him, which was true. I was in Jonny's year all throughout high school, but ended up in extra-curricular clubs with Adam. By the end of it, we were kind of a trio. And there we were, stood at their parents front door for Friday Night Dinner.
Adam lent in and pressed the doorbell, "How's erm... how's your week been?" he smiled.
"Other than work," Johnny butted in
"Alright," I replied, "Just bloody tired now,"

Johnny smirked back at me, as Adam opened the front door, "Never heard you swear-" he abruptly stopped, "That's a dog,"
"No shit Sherlock," I smugly said, "Wilson?" I added in a whisper.
Adam made a cooing sound, then whistled, "Wilson!" The dog's head shot up.
"Why is Jim's dog in your hallway?"
"You think that I know?"
Suddenly, the bathroom door, marked 'WC', swung open. There stood Jim.
"Ah, hello Johnny-"
Adam corrected, "Adam,"
"Boys," Jim finished. He then turned to me, "And, erm... you Miss,"
"Y/N," I said, "We met, erm, a while back I think?"
Jim's eyes widened, as if something in his brain had just clicked, "Ah yes, I do recall. And, erm, how did you say you got invited to Friday Night Dinner?"
Johnny and I both snickered. Adam rolled his eyes, "Jim, what are you doing in our bathroom?"
"Mine's broken," he said calmly.
I looked across at Adam, who wore the same confused expression as me, then back at Johnny, who asked, "How'd you do that?"
Jim laughed nervously, "Ah come on Wilson, we'd erm... we'd best be off," he dodged the question, "Erm... goodbye Jo... A...," he glanced up at me, "Miss," he finally addressed. Then Jim nervously grabbed Wilson's lead, gave a half-hearted wave and left through the front door, which we'd not yet closed.

"Oh shit on it!" we heard Martin yell from another room. Johnny sniggered, quickly closing the door, as Adam began to lead the way to the shouts. We followed him into the cluttered garage, and saw Jackie and Martin Goodman stood around heaps of boxes.
"Hello Mum, Dad," Adam greeted.
"What's with the boxes?" Johnny finished.
Jackie looked up, and smiled at me, "Hello Y/N dear, welcome!" then turning to the boys, "I'm making your Father clear out some of his old crap,"
"Hello bambinos. AND it's not crap," Martin defended, "They are collectibles,"
"Dad's old science magazines," Jackie translated.
Johnny folded his arms across his chest, "So crap?"
"Yep," Adam agreed, "Crap,"
Martin stood up and saw me, "So you're Allison?" he asked.
"No stupid, it's Y/N?" Johnny said. Martin narrowed his eyes, "My old friend, from high school, remember?" Martin shook his head.
Jackie sighed, "Johnny's best friend! The Scientist!" she said.
I waved slightly, "Hello,"
"Oh right," Martin said, "Hello,"
"A better question would be," Adam changed the subject, "Why was Jim in our downstairs toilet?"
"And his dog in our hallway?" Johnny finished.
"Oh, yes, that," Jackie said, "His is broken,"
Martin tutted, "Hm, yeah broken," before noticing the 1982 date of the Science magazine, "Hey, put that one down, I love that one!"
Johnny asked, "No shirt on tonight Dad?"
"He's boiling,"
"I'm boiling!"
"Go and put a shirt on Dad," Adam groaned, "Really not something our friend wants to see!"
"Alright, alright," Martin replied, squeezing past Jackie, then turning to me, "Hey, do me a favour and make sure that she doesn't throw out any of my collectibles,"
"Crap," Johnny smirked.
Jackie sighed, "I've got to finish off Dinner," she grabbed Martin's wrist slightly, "Let's go, come on,"
"Let's... oh come on Martin!"

As Jackie and Martin left, Adam began flicking through the magazines- they were Science ones.
"Didn't you have some of these when you were a kid?" Adam turned to me.
I walked over and picked up one of the magazines. The date read 'March 1st 1975', "Yes, I suppose I did," Johnny was now at my shoulder. He must have also read the date, because he gave me that smirk, "Well obviously not that date, which I suppose makes them quite cool," I replied, "But my Mum would buy me one, once a week, for our Friday Night Dinner. It would shut me up all night,"
I smiled fondly at the memories.
"So you don't agree that they're crap?" Johnny teased, taking the magazine out of my hand.
"They're old, yes... but I'd take them home if they were going to the dump,"
"Oh, of course you would, Miss 'I've got an internship for NASA and won't tell my Boss'" Johnny said quickly. I frowned and he finished, "Such a great opportunity, wasted for what?"
"The Science Museum?" Adam added.
"The Science Museum, that's right!" Johnny smiled.
"But... I thought we'd finished with this in the car! I'll give in my notice on Monday," Both Johnny and Adam stared at me, unfazed, "No, I swear, I will!" I reassured. Then, both Goodman son's gave me that smile, "Hey! Stop with-"
They finished in unison, "That smile,"

Both Adam and Johnny had wandered off, and I was left alone with Jackie in the kitchen, "Hello deary," she smiled, "Sorry about Martin,"
"It's okay, I swear. Can I be of any help?" I asked.
"Oh, yes, if you go and fetch the boys from outside, dinner's ready,"

"So she's not your girlfriend?" Martin hadn't noticed me, "Well why the bloody hell-"
"Woah, Y/N!" Adam did.
I smiled, "Erm, Jackie said dinner's done,"
"Oh dinner's done!" Johnny was behind me and I jumped slightly, "Sorry!" he apologised, "Just... yeah,"
Adam blushed and looked down as Martin made various 'mming' and 'hungry' noises, pushing the 3 of us inside.
"Mind him, sorry," Adam apologised.

We sat around the table; Jackie at the top, then Martin. Along the other side, Johnny, Adam then me.
"We'd, erm-" Jackie tried. She looked nervously over at Martin, who was stuffing his face with the meat.
"Lovely bit of squirrel," he snickered. He looked up, and laughed more, directing it at me. I laughed back, unsure.
"It's not squirrel-" Jackie reassured.
Johnny finished, "We thought you'd prefer to eat beside Adam, not Martin,"
I nodded. There was silence for a moment. Johnny took a sip from his water, and spat it back out. He saw me, and quickly grabbed a napkin.
"Eurgh, you idiot! Salt!" he spat. Adam laughed out loud.
"Boys!" Jackie scolded. More silence, "Have you been keeping up with MasterChef?" she asked, visibly excited. The only sound was the chewing from Martin, "Well, anyone?"
Johnny and Adam both shook their heads.
I smiled, "Erm, I saw the semi-finals last night," I told her, "My Mother came over and we watched it together,"
Jackie smiled, "Aw, I remember your Mother. She was-" she paused, obviously trying to think of a nice way to describe her, "She was always on time,"
"On time," Johnny sniggered at the complement.
Jackie frowned, "Oh shut up Johnny. No, you're Mother was always..."
"No it's okay. She got angry half-way through and left again," I sighed. More silence, "This really is a nice meal Jackie, thank you,"
"Oh dear, any-"
The door bell  rang.
"I'll get it!" Johnny and Adam said in unison, shoving into each other. In the end Johnny won, but Adam followed closely behind.
"On sec Y/N," he said, rushing after his brother.
"That could be the sofa bed guy!" Jackie shouted to the others. She turned to me, "We're selling our old sofa bed-"
"Oh hello Jackie!" we heard- me and Jackie heard- and couldn't help but sigh.
"Is that, erm, Jim and Wilson?" I asked.
"I just came to use the loo Jackie,"
Jackie rolled her eyes, ignoring the yell, "Sorry, we aren't usually interrupted," she got up and followed the noise.

"So you like Science?" Martin suddenly turned to me.
"Yes, I do. I'm working at the Science Museum at the minute," I told him.
He gave me a half- quarter- smile, "Maybe we'll pay you a visit sometime,"
"Sooner rather than later," I said, "I'm hoping to get a better job soon. I mean, a degree in Science is really going to waste there, do you agree?"
"You're a strange female,"
"Oh, okay,"
"But okay for liking science and my idiots of sons,"
"Thanks... I think,"
"You'd make a good female for one of them, don't you reckon?"

A/N: woah martin, almost like he's reading my mind... anyways, chapter une is complete... what do you think? please leave comments and suggestions, i basically run off of others acceptance. but seriously, i hope someone out there likes this!
have an awesome day/night :)