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Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Your Last Name
N/N = Your Nickname

IT WAS A FEW HOURS LATER, and the 5 of us (Jim and Wilson excluded, they'd left) were sat around the living room, cups of teas in hand.
Johnny took a sip, then spat it out, "Oh you d-"
"Language! Johnny, please," Jackie corrected. I snickered slightly at the look of his face. And then I saw Adam's and almost burst out laughing, "Sorry about the boys,"
"It's fine," I said, barely holding myself together. I saw the unsure look on Jackie's face and added, "No really, it's all good,"
She smiled, "So deary, are you still working at the Science Museum?"
"Nope, NASA," Johnny smiled, patting me on the back.
"Oh that's incredible!"
Martin grumbled, "They why'd you lie and tell me you worked at the museum,"
"Johnny's kidding," I scrambled for words, "I was given an internship, but don't know how to give in my notice, at the museum,"
"I've said I'll do it for you, literally," Johnny said quickly, "Anything for you to take that job!"
"Well, you know... I love the museum?"
The door bell rang.
"I'll get it," Jackie said, "Coming!"
"Saved by the bell," Adam smirked.
"Love the museum?" Johnny asked.
I shrugged, then laughed.
"So you do or do you not work at the museum?" Martin asked.

"Boys, come and help your Dad!" we heard Jackie yell from upstairs.
"What if we pretend to not hear?" Johnny whispered.
"And don't you dare pretend to not hear me!"
Adam scoffed, and began to stand up, "Well never mind,"
"One second Y/N,"

"Oh my God!" I said after rushing into the hallway to stand beside Jackie, and seeing the sofa-bed, in all of it's glory, stuck on the staircase, "Is this the British version of F.R.I.E.N.D.S?"
Jackie had her hands over her mouth, and gasped again when Martin told the man (the man, who was collecting the sofa-bed) to 'try and push it back up', "NO! Not the wallpaper!" she held out her hands as if an invisible force would stop them.
"Mum, is that really a major concern?" Adam asked from the top of the stairs.
The man's phone went off, "Sorry, pardon me. Yes, hello?"
Adam carried on, "The sofa-bed is literally stuck-"
"Oh my God," the man said, panicked, "Yes I... I understand... thank... you," he hung up, held his head in his hands, and sat down on one of the lower steps of the staircase.
"Are you alright?" Jackie quickly changed the subject. When he didn't answer, she asked again. Johnny looked down at me.
"My... my Dad's just died,"
More silence.
"Oh, dear, I'm so sorry! Come here," she went over to the man and helped him stand, "Sorry Y/N, hon-"
"Let me get you a tea, the kettle's just boiled" I interrupted, already leaving the room.
"No that's fine," the man said to Jackie, "Just a glass of water's fine, I'll get it," he brushed past Jackie, land back into the living room. He picked up a glass from the side and took a sip, then spat it back out, "Bloody salt!"

The first mug I saw was Johnny's, "I'm sure he won't mind," I said to myself, quickly putting in a teabag, then filling it with water and a splash of milk. I rushed back through and passed him it.
Adam's eyes widened, "No! Y/N!" but it was too late. The man had already taken a sip and spat it back out, onto my cardigan.
"Oh my- what is this house!" the man asked, furious, "Salt in everything, I swear! Just-"
Jackie tried to stop him, "Oh please wait!"
"No! I... my Dad's just died! I'm going home!"
"But the sofa-bed-"

The man slammed open the door, and stormed out, only for the silence to be greeted with a, "Hello all!"
"Not right now Jim," Jackie said, a hand on her head.
"But the bathroom?" he asked.
"Oh just go! Hurry!"
"Did you see the finals of MasterChef? Oh that Greek guy was really good," Jim told Jackie, "Shame he didn't win,"
"Mum?" Adam asked quickly, "Mum, you look like you're about to-"
"- faint..."

Although I was sat in the back of the car, a good 3 meters away, I could still hear their conversation, "Oh now she'll hate us and never want to come over again,"
"No she won't... it's fine Mum,"
"Yeah Mum, don't worry. Y/N loves Johnny so much-"
"Shut up you douche,"
"You ARE dating, I knew it!"
"So why'd she lie to me again? Oh that female-"
"Don't point at her Dad!"
"Dad she'll see!"
I laughed to myself.
"We're not dating, and she's not a liar and we're not dating and she doesn't hate you,"
"Did Johnny notice that they're NOT dating-"
I put in my headphone's, and about 5 minutes later, the boys met me in the car.

"Sorry about that Y/N," Adam said, getting into the driver's seat.
Johnny added, "Yeah sorry,"
"All good," I said, deciding not to tell them what I heard.
"So are we just going to ignore the fact that you panicked whenever anyone cries?" Johnny asked, laughing.
"Oh shut up!" I replied, "He panicked and I panicked, and why was there salt in your mug!"
"I'm guessing you're never ever coming back for Friday Night Dinner?" Adam asked.
"Never ever?" questioned Johnny.
"You guessed wrong,"
Both boys said, "Huh?" in unison.
"What?" I smiled, "Best night of my life so far,"
"Yeah til you accept that bloody job from NASA,"
"Or get married to pussface,"
"Oh shut up pissface,"
I couldn't help but smile to myself in the dark backseat, "Yeah, shut up Adam,"

A/N: full ep one! you can probably tell its been ages since i watched s1... at least we skip forwards a bit now. if you liked leave a comment or suggestion? i'd love to hear someone's ideas! just lmk :)
have an awesome day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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