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Guards immediately grabbed me by my shoulders and hoisted me up. I nearly passed out from the pain in my foot. I've been shot before in my leg, and with the help of my father and a tourniquet, the pain was manageable. This was nothing like it. I fell right into Jerek who grunted and pushed me off, nearly collapsing onto the floor. I grabbed Donavin's, the other guards arm in an attempt to catch my fall. 

"What is wrong with you?" Mao sneered. "Can't you walk like a decent human being?" 

"If your idiot friend hadn't shot me we wouldn't have this problem." I retorted.  

"Thor, take her to the healing wing. Let's get her fixed before we set her to work." Frigga ordered. "Guards, you may leave. Thank you." Donavin pushed my hand off his arm, nearly sending me back to the floor. This whole situation was humiliating, and it didn't help that Loki was smirking at me the entire time. 

Thor was by my side now and he allowed me to grab ahold of his arm to stable myself. 

"Sorry." I apologized quietly. "I wouldn't need this much help if I had been shot in my upper torso. 

"You make it sound like you get shot every other day." 

"Well, you wouldn't be surprised at how often I get hurt."

We didn't talk after that, which was fine by me, but it made the rest of the walk down to the healing wing incredibly awkward. As soon as I'm healed, I'm going to be going around picking up after these men. But for now, I'm hanging onto a god's arm as if my life depended on it. Which frankly, it could be because I don't know if I would be able to get up if I fell again. 

Anyways, we finally made it to the healing wing, where Frigga was awaiting us. I was slightly amazed how she was there already, because she left after us. Then again, Thor and I were walking at a tortoise pace. Frigga helped me onto a bed and ushered Thor away. 

As Frigga took the bullet out and bandaged my leg, she was very kind and motherly to me, which I didn't understand. 

"How come you're being so nice to me when as soon as I'm cleared to walk again I'm going to be ordered around?" 

Frigga smiled, not at all phased. "Everyone still deserves help and respect, no matter their social status." 

"Well, thank you for helping me."

"Of course. Now, just focus on getting better for now." 

Luckily for me, it only took a day and a half for my foot to heal. I was able to walk again and soon guards were at the door and walked me to the maids' quarters. 

"Hello?" Answered a woman when the guard knocked. The woman looked to be in her late sixties. She had greying hair, and was quite short. But she had a kind smile plastered on her face, and her green eyes were full of life.

"She's been ordered to become a maid. The king ordered us to bring her to you." The guard pushed me towards the woman.

"Of course, we'll get her set up. Thank you gentlemen." The woman gave a small nod and ushered me in. 

"What's your name, dear?" She asked once the door had been closed again. 

"Isadora." I stated. 

"What a lovely name. How old are you?" 

"I'm seventeen." 

"Ok, thank you. Would you care to tell me how you got this position? I don't think I've seen you around the palace."

"I was out in the forest. Some guards found, shot, and brought me to the king and queen. My mother had arranged some kind of agreement for me to marry Loki, but I refused. So the king decided placing me as a maid would be the perfect solution." I finished sarcastically. 

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