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I woke up the next morning exhausted. I longed for a few more minutes of sleep, but Agnes countered this by hitting a pillow on my head. It hurt a lot, and only made me throw the blanket over my head.

"Come on Isadora, time to get up."

"Five more minutes." I groaned.

"Isadora, if you don't get up there'll be deadly consequences."

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"This." Agnes hit me with the pillow much harder than the previous time.

"Ow! You didn't have to hit me that hard."

"Don't make me do it again." She threatened.

"Ok, ok. I get it." I pushed myself out of bed and began changing. I followed the girls out into our dinning room and had the same thing for breakfast.

Today was supposed to be an exciting day because it was the day Thor was to be crowned King (for the second time). The girls were talking excitedly about what today had to offer. I didn't pay much attention. I thought Thor was nice enough, he seemed to have changed quite a bit over the past few years so it'll be nice to have a change in ruling.

My first chore to do this morning was to help set the banquet up that would come after the coronation. Luckily, I didn't have to set any tables. I was mostly just there to help set up tables and put up decorations. It didn't take too much time and I was onto my second task, which was to help with breakfast for the palace members. I groaned at my bad luck.

"Back again, are you?" Said the same man who yelled at me the other day.

"Hey, I can leave if you want."

"Only if you want to get into more trouble."

"I'm already in trouble? What'd I do?"

"Weren't you the girl who stole a book from the library yesterday?"

"Borrowed, actually." I corrected.

The man rolled his eyes. "I'm not surprised. You seem like the type of girl to just take things."

"Jeez, you people are harsh."

"Maybe you just don't have manners."

"Hate to break it to you, but I wasn't raised in a castle." I bite back.

"It shows."

I bit back a not-so-mannerly response and went to work setting the table. I didn't get yelled at, thankfully. I rushed out of the room as fast as I could. That task made me very anxious and I really hoped that I wouldn't be stuck with it for much longer.

My next task was to help Loki get ready for the coronation/banquet. You have got to be kidding me. I thought. I am not doing that. Last night was awkward enough, I don't need to have another conversation with the man.

Eventually, I sighed and made my way to Loki's room. There would be no use to not do the task, as I would probably get into more trouble, and I really didn't need that.

I knocked quietly on the door as it was still early morning and I wasn't sure if Loki was a morning person or not, but he didn't answer. I knocked a couple more times but he still didn't answer the door. Jeez, how heavily does this man sleep? I thought. I was beginning to get frustrated. I really only had two options: forget about the task and risk getting into trouble, or keep knocking and looking like some idiot. A third option would be to just open the door and walk in, but I have a feeling that the prince wouldn't like that very much.

I raised my fist to knock for a last time when the door finally opened.

"What do you want?" He grouched.

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