𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 4

468 21 44

l/n = last name

"hangeee can you pass me it already?" you begged hange as she took another hit of the blunt. "fine, here." she said as she handed it to you.

it has been about a two months since you had gone to college, and you were loving it so far. jean and connie were in your history class also, so it made it more fun and less lonely. them constantly making you laugh instantly brightens your day.

but on the other note, you still had no interaction with eren. as much as you wanted to talked to him, you never got the chance. he was either talking to this ugly ginger haired guy or not in class. which made you think what he was doing when he was not in class. nosey right?

but you will hopefully get a chance to talk to him. right?

anyways, you were currently in the living room with hange smoking weed. you both had nothing better to do.

levi was out on meeting, so he wouldn't be back in an hour. which gave you and hange time to do whatever you guys want.

after taking many hits of the now stubby blunt, you threw it out. you and hange were high off your minds, but you didn't care.

"let's play truth or dare!" the high women exclaimed. "but it's just us so it'll be boring." you responded.

"oh just shut up and play with me!" she yelled.

"ok ok I will." you say in defeat.

she was about to say something but paused. until she opened her mouth just to scream, "SO Y/N TRUTH OR DARE?"

"truth." you stated. "how many bodies to you have?" the crazy lady asked. you just sat there thinking. "30." you replied. "30?! JEEZ Y/N YOURE A WHORE." she yelled. "oh shit this is about how many people we slept with?!" you sat there dumbfounded.

"what did you think I was talking about?!"

"I don't know!"

you and hange kept playing truth or dare until levi came home. she asked him if she wanted to play but of course he said no. so they just ended up watching tv together.

you went up to your room to take a nap, or supposed to be.

you slowly closed your eyes, until you felt yourself seeping into unconsciousness.


it was finally your last class. which meant that after this you could go home. that sounded so good to you.
you just wanted to fly home because your legs were so tired. that's how desperate you were.

you got a little lost around campus because it was so big. but you finally found your way to levi's classroom.

as you walked in you almost immediately noticed sasha. you dragged your feet all the way to the seat next to her.

"you look like you just ran a marathon." sasha joked.
"i probably just did." you responded.

as you and sasha were deep in conversation, some of the other students arrived, seating themselves.

levi had finally arrived and started the lesson. giving students death stares if there talking while he is. you swore that you saw a girl clench thighs together when he glared at her. wtf. anyway, while levi was glaring at other students, you took out your notebook to copy the notes, just in case you forget the whole lesson.


class had finally ended. now you can go home and take a long nap. at least you thought.

"jaeger! l/n! you guys stay here. everyone else is dismissed." levi says sitting on his desk chair.

me and eren? what could this be? you thought as you got up from your seat and walking up to the front. eren doing the same.

you were both standing there in silence until levi broke it. "I have called you guys here today to discuss something about you, eren." levi stated glaring at eren.

he gave him a confused look but stayed silent. you were also confused. what does eren have with me? or more like, what the fuck am I doing here. you thought as levi started to talk again.

"eren, your grades are absolutely terrible.  so I have y/n here today because I want her to tutor you." he paused.


"but prof I don't need a stupid tutor! I'm smart enough to tutor myself!" he exclaimed.

"yeah go tell your dad that. I know he won't be happy to hear that you have all fs in most of your subjects." levi said harshly.

erens eyes widened slightly. but almost immediately went back to normal when he noticed. while you were just standing there trying not to laugh. eren needing a tutor??!?? PFFT oh don't get me started.. get a load of this dumbass

"but wait, what's in it for me?" you asked. "oh you? extra credit." levi replied. oh shit I gotta do this

you just nodded. "so it settled then. you will be tutoring eren on mondays, thursdays, and sundays. you guys will be doing this until the end of the second semester. good luck." levi stated as he shooed you guys away.

eren just groaned but still listened. and started walking up the stairs.

once you both got out of the classroom eren stopped in front of you. you just stood there staring at each other in silence. luckily there was no one in the hallways. considering school was over.

"well I think we're supposed to exchange num-" you were cut off by eren hugging you. but it was only for a quick second. when he released from the hug there was a light shade of pink covering his cheeks. "sorry I just..missed you." he stated, his eyes darting in almost every direction.

you couldn't help but smile. he's to cute. "its fine but,
we should exchange numbers so we know we're to meet up and stuff." you said looking at him. "oh right."

after you both exchanged each other's numbers you wished each other goodbyes as you both walked in the opposite directions.

your smile never left throughout the day, erens too.

(ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀs ɴᴏᴛᴇ)
oh mami by chase atlantic just started playing- anyway, I hope you enjoyed and sorry for any spelling mistakes!

𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚔- 𝚎.𝚓𝚊𝚎𝚐𝚎𝚛 Where stories live. Discover now