Chapter 12: A Silver-Eyed Man

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King Matthew's POV
(Hanji's Father)

Daughters are difficult to deal with. Now that my daughter is 17-years-old, I've received more requests for her hand. Much more than her 16th birthday. As much as I wanted Hanji to marry Prince Erwin, it was her choice in the end. Amid the requests, there was one that stood out to me. 

King Christopher Valenc of the Valenc Kingdom. 

I wanted to deny his request for Hanji's hand- he was 10 years older than her. Some royal families would accept it as their thoughts revolved around the idea that older people are wiser. In some cases, yes. But not in this case. Valenc has been known for their power hunger, and their previous king had died from their civil war. I would never let Hanji near a man like him. But sometimes, there are such limited ways to keep him away from her.

Storming through the palace doors, my guards captured a man gifted in robes of royalty. He looked similar to Prince Erwin, but I know for certain he is not related to him. His golden hair curled around his ears as his blue eyes were stained with blood. 

Raising my hand to stop them from moving forward, this man gave a gentle bow. "King Matthew, I am honored to meet you in person."

"King Matthew," Keith took a knee as he gave me the news, "we found him entering the kingdom with a few men. He demanded to see you."

Turning my attention to the strange man, I ordered him to speak. And he did speak. "My name is King Christopher Valenc of the Valenc Kingdom. All I want is an audience with you. An hour or two will suffice."

"Then let's talk. If it's about my daughter-."

"Yes, Princess Hanji. As much as I want to proclaim my love for her, I have other matters I want to talk about." Other matters? Does this man want something else than just my daughter? I must be wary of him. "It's about a silver-eyed man." The only man with silver eyes that comes to mind is Levi...

"A silver-eyed man?"

King Christopher nodded his head. "Yes. I'm looking for a man with silver eyes."

"Is he a criminal?" If he says yes, it's not Levi. Levi has been under my care for over 12 years. If a criminal is hiding within my kingdom, should I have him returned to this man's care? Or should I lie and keep the criminal safe?

"Not exactly. This man would've gone by the name... Ackerman. Is that familiar?"

"That name is not familiar to me. Forgive me for asking this, King Christopher, but why are you looking for such a man in my kingdom? If I remember correctly, your kingdom lies in the far south as we are higher up north. Why would a man named Ackerman come to my kingdom?"

"He's running."

"Running from what?" The king kept silent about the reason. Levi must never be near him. Even if the man King Christopher is looking for is not Levi, Levi is a man with silver eyes. Because of Hanji, I must keep him safe. "If you do not tell me why, I may or may not be inclined to help your search for him. I'll ask again: what is he running from what?"

King Christopher straightened his back and his eyes flashed red with blood. "King Matthew, there are other forces out there in this world. Ackermans are tied with devils. Their strength is tremendous, and if they are not controlled, they will destroy the world. My father had these Ackermans controlled. One day, they all escaped into the world. I'm finishing what my father was unable to do- retrieve every last Ackerman."

"So these are Ackermans... and you are certain this man you are looking for is an Ackerman?"

"Every Ackerman has silver eyes. Although, some of them will not have silver eyes. But those without those specific eyes do not possess such devilish powers. An Ackerman can't hide their silver eyes."

"How have you come across an Ackerman within my kingdom?"

"My people are constantly scouting for Ackermans. It just so happens one of my scouts has seen this man with silver eyes. Knowing the danger fully well, they came back to me and informed me. It takes more than just one person to handle an Ackerman. This is why I came to you for help. Help me find this Ackerman, and your kingdom will be safe."

As much as I wanted to spout out that Levi would never do such a thing... the only way to keep him safe is to never say a word about him. When I can, I'll warn him to keep out of sight. He'll handle keeping Hanji safe within the castle while Keith guards her outside. He must stay out of sight. He cannot be with the other guards anymore... I'll have him in a room near Hanji. 

"Well, King Matthew?"

Raising my chin high, I gave him my answer. All I hope is that this will work out. "I'll be working with you to find this Ackerman. But if we do not find him, you will leave this kingdom alone."

King Christopher nodded his head. "Thank you. Now, I believe we can talk about your daughter-."

"I will not discuss my daughter today. You will have to wait until tomorrow. Nathan, escort King Christopher back to his men. Keep a close eye on him." I waited until King Christopher left the castle with the doors slamming behind him before I called for Keith. "Where is Levi?"

"He should be in the garden with Princess Hanji. You couldn't possibly think..."

"I don't want to risk it. Keith, from now on, you will be escorting my daughter outside of this kingdom. Arrange to have Levi's room cleared out. Give him a new one near my daughter. Even though this new threat is looming over us, Levi is still one of the best. Not to mention he wanted Hanji's hand... she could be in danger too... ensure Levi is near Hanji at all times in the castle."

"Matthew?" I turned around, seeing Rachel looking worried. "What's going on?"

"A man by the name King Christopher Valenc just came. Not only did he want Hanji's hand, but he wanted a silver-eyed man. Levi has silver eyes. I want to protect him for Hanji's sake. If he gets captured, I will never hear the end of it from Hanji."

My queen nodded her head, kissing my lips. "Good. I'll ensure everyone in this castle keeps their mouth shut about Levi. Talk to Hanji too, my love."

"I know, to inform her about the dangers-."

"Oh, no, not just that, Matthew. About Levi. If Levi is close to anyone in this entire kingdom, it's Hanji. Ask her about people Levi would've interacted with. If those people knew he was in the kingdom, we'll have a war on our hands."

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