Chapter 24: You've Changed

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Levi's POV

"Levi... what's wrong?" Hanji turned over in the bed, showing her weary eyes. It's been a couple of weeks since we've been married and Hanji has been crowned... just two weeks since she was told she was expecting a child. "You're making me worried..."

"I just thought I saw something..."

"Report it to the guards then." I was going to say that I will handle it... and I forgot that I'm no longer a guard. Instead, I'm the king... which some people may say that it's a great promotion. I don't like it... "Stay with me, Levi..."

Giving in to her, I crawled into bed with her. Hanji wrapped her arms around my waist, laying her head on my chest. She smiles softly, closing her eyes. A soft groan left her lips as she began to sleep. "Hanji," I whispered to her, caressing her cheek, "I love you..."

"I love you too..." Sleepily, she takes my hands and gently lays them on her stomach. "Levi, you're going to be a great father... you know that, right? I know you're worried-."

"I'm worried about a lot of things... I know you have to be the one who controls everything, and I'm just someone who is named king just so you won't be alone. But because of this baby... because of my name... sometimes I wonder if it's right for me to marry you..."

"My kingdom will love and protect you... and they will do the same for our baby. Believe in that... for me?"

I kissed her lips as she slowly drifted away. "I will... rest now, Hanji."

"Are... you going somewhere...?"

"Just to walk around..." I swear I saw someone in the garden... "I'll be back before you know it, Hanji..."

Hanji turns over to her side, sighing softly. Her hand clutched her stomach, avoiding looking at me. "Okay then... don't take too long... I can't sleep properly when you're not here with me... promise me you won't be long..."

Kissing her once more, I hoped she'll be sleeping before I come back. "I promise. Sleep."

*   *   *

The person I saw... that shadow... I remember it near the garden. I sneaked past the guards to find this shadow. After I hear the guards stepping away from me, that's when I heard that raspy, familiar voice. 


Swinging around and my hand on the handle of my sword, the shadow stepped towards me. "Who the hell are you?"

The shadow raised his hands and fell to his knees. "Kill me if you want, Levi. But I bet you won't."

"Who are you?" I asked again, trying to put his voice somewhere in my memories. I can't figure it out. It's on the tip of my tongue. I know I heard it before... but where? "I won't kill you- yet. I'll ask again-."

"Levi, calm down." Her... voice... I turned around, seeing a woman stepping out of the shadows. She took off her black hood, smiling at me with a gentle smile and weary, silver eyes. She reaches out for my hands, sighing a bit. "Levi... don't you remember me?"


The woman nodded, running her hand in my hair. She... came back...? I leaned into her hand, attempting to hold back my tears. When I was little... I always wanted her to tuck me in... hold me tightly. Even after the previous king took me in, I wanted her back. I wanted her to run her fingers through my hair and for her to tell me that she'll be back for me. I gave up after 3 years...

"Hey there..." She whispers, kissing my forehead... like she used to do... "Levi, you've changed so much... I'm sorry... I'm very sorry-."

"Why did you leave?" I tried to hold back my anger and tears from seeing her again. "You tried to save me... but you left me... left me alone-."

"Levi, your uncle was the one who urged the princess to see you." Mother rolled her eyes towards the man behind me, almost scowling. "Although his methods were unorthodox-."

"It worked, didn't it?" The man behind me scoffed, standing up to his feet. "She got to Levi and managed to protect him. Then, all I had to do was take you away to safety, Kuchel. Look on the bright side- Levi's the king of this place. Married to the princess who saved him. So tell me, if you stayed with Levi here, do you think Levi would have the life he has currently?"

Mother looked down, sighing softly. "I wanted to come back, Levi... to tell you that I'm sorry... but your uncle here... he convinced me to stay with him... you were safe... but every once in a while, he'll come here and take a look at you. He's been vague about his information... but... wow... Levi, I'm so proud of you..."

Then, something snapped inside of me. King Christopher was looking for a man with silver eyes. I turned to face the man behind me, known as Kenny, and I saw those silver eyes of his too... could it be...

"So it was you he was looking for?"


Scowling at Kenny, I walked up to him with my hand on my sword again. "King Christopher... he came to this place looking for a man with silver eyes. He nearly took me back to wherever he came from. He vowed to find every single Ackerman and have them returned to his care! My friend felt betrayed when she accidentally ratted me out! Hanji almost got married off to someone else because of that!"

"Well, it doesn't seem like you're under his rule now, huh, Levi?!" Kenny's voice raised slightly, and I hoped the guards would take him away. My life felt ruined by him. "Consider yourself lucky that you had the royal family behind your back! He's the reason why I had to get Kuchel out of here! You were the little rat that didn't belong here-."

"Kenny! Enough of that! He's my son!"

"I don't give a damn if he's your son, Kuchel. I was told to protect you at all costs. I was never told what to do if you had a child! He did fine on his own."

Mother sighed, shaking her head. "Levi... after what I heard about the current queen... I'm not asking for much... but can I have an audience with her?"

"Why are you so formal with your daughter-in-law, Kuchel?"

"Because she's the queen, Kenny. And if you hadn't noticed, Levi doesn't really like you right now. And I rather not push his buttons too much."

"So you're being nice to avoid being punished?"

"Mother, what is it?"

She sighed, hugging me once more. "I don't care what kind of job I have to work... but I want to be closer to you. I want to know Queen Hanji more because she is your wife. And what usually happens after marriages... I might be expecting a grandchild soon..."

"I... you're right, Mother, Hanji's expecting a baby soon..."

Everyone fell silent. Well, Kenny scoffed and walked to the side, muttering. "Are you kidding me?" On the other hand, Mother smiled softly in a proud manner. 

"Congratulations, Levi... this makes me eager to meet this wonderful woman..."

"I have to talk to her about you getting a job in the castle, Mother. On the other hand, Kenny-."

"I'm not staying here for another second, Levi. I only came here to ensure Kuchel's safety. If she wants to stay here, fine. But I'm not going to keep going back and forth as some sort of messenger. I'm not getting paid for this anyways."

Good. I don't want you here.

Mother nodded her head, giving a soft bow with her head. "I'll find an inn nearby. I'll come by when it reaches noon?"

"Yes, that's fine, Mother. I'll explain everything to her tomorrow morning."

*   *   *

I crept back to bed with Hanji, seeing her completely asleep. Just what I wanted... I kissed her cheek, holding her tightly. My hand rested over her stomach and I just thought of the child inside of her... it's my child... it's her child... royal blood meets Ackerman blood. 

I want to regret the fact that I may have put both Hanji and our unborn baby in danger. If King Christopher still wants my bloodline... it seems that my unborn baby and I are the only few people who can keep it alive...

But this enrages me... it fuels the flames in my heart to protect them even more...

"I won't lose the two of you..."

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