Chapter 16: Moonlight Dance

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Hanji's POV

"What?! No! Hanji, you know the rules!" Levi's pleas against my idea. He always stuck to the rules- especially my father's rules. Sometimes it's nice to have him loyal to my father, but he was my bodyguard. He should be loyal to me. And... I love him...

I kissed his sweet lips, smiling softly. "Just for one night. The moon is meant to be full, and it'll be a beautiful night for a dance in the garden. Please, Levi?"

He rolled his eyes, sighing softly. He returns the kiss, gripping my hands tightly. "Fine, but are you willing to take the blame if we're caught?" Levi caresses my cheek before kissing me once more. "I love you, Hanji... so let's just stay here tonight. I'll hold you in my arms as you fall into your deep slumber. Then when you wake up... I'll still be there. Holding you tightly. And I'll never let go."

Despite him saying that he's not a romantic, Levi's words sway me from side to side. My heart would sink with his in this sea of love. "We can do that after a trip to the garden. Come on, Levi... please? Please, please, please?" After a few minutes of begging, Levi rolled his eyes and gave a smile. I won.

*   *   *

"An hour, Hanji. Only an hour." Levi says in a quiet tone. He let go of my hand as I carefully walked into the garden. Every night, this garden looks magically.

Ah... I wish I had my hands on magic. I wouldn't use it for anything else, but to help others and to show the beauty of magic. My hand outstretched towards Levi as a smile continued to grow on my face. "Come on, Levi... just one dance. One dance and we would go back inside in less than an hour."

Levi couldn't resist it.

He takes my hand and leads me to the center of the garden. Those firm hands of his held me tightly... around my waist and on my hand... I felt that he was never going to let me go. He began to hum a small tune as he led the dance. I wished he was taller sometimes... so I could lean against his chest and listen to his heart beating as we danced. This tune... I heard it before...

"Levi... what is that song?"

"What song?"

"The one you're humming. You hummed it when we were little. I remember loving that song, and I was too scared to ask you to hum it for me. Now, I want to know... what's the name of that song?"

Levi shrugged his broad shoulders, twirling me in his arms. "Honestly? I don't know. My mother used to sing it to me when I was little. Whenever I had nightmares... she used to sing it to me. But the words were... complicated for me. I can't remember them at all. But I remember humming it. And it always stayed with me. Do you like it? Maybe I'll teach you the tune and we can make up the words."

"It sounds like a lullaby..."

"Makes sense." Levi twirls me into his arms before he kissed my cheek. His hands crawled downwards onto my waist, pulling me into him. "Would you sing it to your child?"

"I would, Levi. And I do wish it'll be yours." Levi sighed, removing his hands off of me. I tried to reach for his hands, but he dodged them. My happiness soon turned sour once I mentioned it. Levi... "Levi, please-."

Surprisingly, he covered my mouth with his hand, holding me tightly. He never did this sort of thing. "Shh..." That was all he said before he hid behind the tall hedges. As I was about to question his methods, I heard someone rustling the leaves.

"Who's there?" I gathered enough courage to not cause my voice to quiver in fear. "I demand to know who's there."

An unknown man walked into view. He took a bow with a smirk on his face. "Princess Hanji, I didn't expect to see you here. May I ask what you're doing out here this late at night?"

"I shall not answer your question until you have answered mine. Since you know I am the princess here, I hold power over you. I won't call for my guards as long as this is a peaceful talk."

Instead of bowing down with his body, he only bowed his head. "Forgive me, Princess Hanji. My name is Christopher. King Christopher. Your beauty is something I cannot comprehend. With you as my wife-."

"Wife? Approaching me in a place where I'm most vulnerable to talk with me is something I cannot stand for. Even if you ask for my hand, I'll continue to deny it. Now, please leave me-."

"Let me prove you wrong," I stepped back as he took strides towards me. "Princess Hanji-."

"Stay back!"

"She said to stay back." Levi swiftly came out of the bushes, holding a sword tightly to King Christopher's neck. The blade gleamed in the moonlight, reflecting Levi's beautiful silver eyes on it. "You may be a king, but you're not a king here. If I deem you a danger to Princess Hanji, I will erase you from existence."

My hand was raised, "That's enough... thank you." I smiled softly, trying to keep Levi's name a secret. I don't believe this king knew of his name, but I rather not say it. "King Christopher, leave me alone. I'll see you tomorrow morning. You may release him."

Levi takes the blade off of the king's throat. Within a flash, people with black clothing jumped out of the hedges, pinning Levi down. "Hey!" It was all I could shout without calling Levi's name. 

Someone lit a few torches, pointing them towards Levi's face. King Christopher chuckled, kneeling in front of Levi. His hand grasped tightly onto Levi's chin, pulling it up to face him. "So you're the mystery man with silver eyes... I'm surprised. You know, I searched the entire city for you for almost a week. Turns out... you were hiding in the castle."

"Leave him alone-."

"Princess Hanji, did you know he's an Ackerman?"

"Ackerman?" Levi perked up, resisting the people holding him down. "I'm not an Ackerman. I don't even know what that is."

King Christopher began to tsk. "Ackermans are a bloodline from demons. You, Levi, are an Ackerman. The ones with silver eyes are always Ackermans. But not just a normal one. A powerful one. Princess Hanji, I am pleased to tell you that I have rescued you from such a blood-thirsty demon."

I stepped closer to Levi, shaking my head in denial. Levi is no such man. "You haven't rescued me from anything! I demand that you release him."

"I came to this kingdom for him. And you're just a princess. So, shut up and let me deal with this Ackerman."

I turned around, hearing more rustling. And thankfully, it was Father. "Did I just hear that right, King Christopher? You demanded my daughter to keep her lips sealed. By sunrise, I want you and your people gone. Every single one of them. I do not need them to disturb the peace within this kingdom."

"Of course, King Matthew. Hailey, get the irons-."

"I'm afraid you don't need irons. Levi is staying with me." Before King Christopher could speak, Father spoke first in a much sterner tone. "Levi has no last name. So how can you be sure he's an Ackerman? What if he's innocent? And his eye color? It could be a very light blue color. Unless you can give me proof that he's an Ackerman, I'll think about giving him to you. Until then, you will leave."

Father turned to me and Levi. Disappointment lingered in his eyes. 

"Levi, get up to your feet and get inside. Hanji, let's go."

*   *   *

Father berated Levi for not only going outside of the castle walls but also allowing me to walk outside at night. Levi took the punishment without blinking an eye. Father sighed heavily, turning to me. "Hanji, Levi's not the only one being punished."

"I understand..."

"I'm sending you away to Prince Erwin."

"What?! Father, no-."

"Hanji, you're not getting married to him. I feel you would be safer with him. You'll leave before dawn. King Christopher would want to lay his hands on you- especially your hand in marriage. I know you don't want to marry him, but pretend like you are going to do so. Hopefully, it keeps him away from you."

I turned to Levi, seeing him turn away in shame. I promised that he could spend the night with me... and I would be in his arms. All night. This is my fault... isn't it?

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