Chapter 32: What's Best for the Kingdom...

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Hanji's POV

Every day, I wake up to an empty bed. I smile softly, trying to find Levi, but he's not there. My heart sinks when I remember what today is. Today is one of the days Levi didn't come back home. Today is one of the days where our precious daughter isn't with me. The days after Levi left, my chest burned with pain as the milk kept building up, and I couldn't give it to our daughter.

When days turned into months, I wanted to leave to try to find him. But a promise was made: I'll continue to wait for the two of them. I'll continue to wait here, ruling over the people as Levi finds our precious, little bird.

But it's been a year since they disappeared from my life. My advisors had been trying to get me to remarry. My father had faith in Levi, but when it seemed he may never come back... he wanted me to move on. For me to believe that they were gone forever. I know he doesn't want me to remarry and have another heir, but he knows I don't smile in his presence. Not anymore.

A meeting is to be held soon... about my position as queen and if I am to remarry and produce another heir for my kingdom. I'm scared... because there's only one person that I'll dedicate my life and body to. One person that I want to be married to for all of eternity. One person that I don't ever want to lose. That one person is Levi. 

My daughter- my first-born daughter... Raven... she was the heir for a few weeks. She was a child of an Ackerman and a royal. I...

"Queen Hanji," I turned, seeing Keith bowing towards me. "It's time."

I nodded, sighing softly. "Okay."

*   *   *

"Queen Hanji, we are willing to wait one more month for your husband and daughter to return. But if they have not returned by one month on this day, you will remarry to Lord William and produce an heir with him."

*   *   *

Waking up to today... today was... by the time the sun sets today... I will have to marry Lord William... and I cannot go back to Levi's side when he does return. What will happen to Raven? She's my firstborn child... and legally, she has the right to be the heir of this kingdom. But I guess that topic will be discussed if she returns with Levi...

I picked up my feet, wandering the castle halls. My eyes were forever on the sea, hoping to see a ship return home. But it feels like they aren't returning home.

"Ah, my queen, or should I say, my wife?"

"I'm not married to you yet. I still have until the sun sets below the ocean floor before the rule becomes active, Lord William."

The lord wraps his arms around my waist, leaning his body against my back. I began to stiffen, not knowing what to do. On my left, he began to whisper. "What are the odds he returns today? You're going to become my wife, Hanji. You do not need to call me a lord anymore. If you want, you can call me your king. Once I marry you-."

"I don't want to marry you! Get off of me!"

But he didn't budge. His grip was firm on me. "Oh... my queen-."

Then, his weight was suddenly off of me. Someone was grunting behind me as they were slammed against the stone walls. I turned around, wanting to thank the person who saved me... but there were no words for me to say.

"Hands off of my wife."

The lord quickly scampered off before Levi turned to me, smiling softly. "Levi... Levi!" I ran into his arms, breathing in his salty scent. He was a little tanner than I'm used to, but I'm glad he's back. "Levi..."

He shushes me, wrapping his arms around me. His rough hands began to run down my back as he spoke. "I'm back, Hanji... I'm back... and just in time too... you're remarrying...?"

"Not anymore... I waited. Levi, I waited for you... they gave me a deadline... if you didn't return before the sun began to set tonight, I would have to remarry. But you're here... wait- that means-."

We pulled apart for a second as he took my hand. "Yeah, I got Raven, Hanji. She's here."

Levi led me into a separate room where Erwin was standing with Raven in his arms. She's... bigger. I almost shouted that it wasn't my daughter... but reality had to remind me that Raven's been gone for a year. She had to have grown into this beautiful girl. Erwin also had another girl by his side- she looks like Raven, but it wasn't her.


"Turns out Christopher got himself another Ackerman girl. Her name's Mikasa. Since you have a small Ackerman family, I thought it'll be nice for these two to be together. I hope you don't mind, Hanji."

"I... I don't mind..." I smiled, retrieving Raven from Erwin. She looks at me with her silver eyes before smiling. "Hello there, Raven... it's me, your mommy... ohhh... you're back, Raven... you're back..."

From my face, tears began to fall down my cheeks. They're back... everyone's back... 

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