Part 11

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y/n pov
I sniffled agaisnt Jimin's shirt as I pulled away feeling much better in his embrace. He stared down at me and chuckled, his thumb gliding along my tear stained cheek as he reached out his hand. I tilted my head confused when suddenly he opens his hand and I saw a piece of paper in his hand. Suddenly my eyes widened as i realised what it was.

"My prince charming!" I squealed happily as i grabbed the photo making Jimin chuckled as i hugged him tight. "Thank you so much Chim Chim!" Jimin's eyes widened at his new nickname as he laughed out and hugged me back. I stared at the photo as i held it close to my chest, quickly taking out my necklace chain and putting the photo back, i sighed happily and wore the necklace, finally i felt complete again as Jimin chuckled at me making me pout.
"Don't make fun of me and my prince!" hugged the necklace agaisnt my cheek as Jimin suddenly held the necklace in his hand and stared at the photo, finally looking up at me with his signature eye smile. "Is he that precious to you Y/n?" I nodded as i sighed, smiling like an idiot in love.

"He is so attractive! I bet he is a sweetheart and i will find him and marry him!" Jimin hummed and nodded as we both stood up, i thanked him again when

suddenly he stopped me. "Hey Y/n wait."

I turned back and looked at him. "Yes Chim Chim?" He walked up to me as my heart suddenly skipped a beat. "I know who your prince charming is." He points at my necklace making my eyes widened as i suddenly held his arm and tugged on it. "Really?! Oh my god please tell me tell me tell me! I will finally find my prince!"
Jimin chuckled and asked. "Do you really want to know?" i nodded as begged him with my puppy eyes. This was the moment I was waiting for, to find him, my prince, the one who i know will make me happy. Then, suddenly Jimin pointed to himself. "It's me Y/n ah."
"It's me Y/n ah."

y/n pov
My eyes widened as I looked back at the photo then at Jimin. "WHAT!!?" i shouted as he did a little piece sign to copy the photo as i gasped. I quickly hugged him tight, my hands wrapping around him as i held onto him. He smiled and hugged me tight as i pulled away and looked at him but started blushing hard.

He chuckled and ran his thumb over my cheek making my face redder than it already was as he finally stood up but his hand was intertwined with mine, I gasped as I stared at our hands.
Jimin squeezes my hand as he led me out of the school, running out as i gasped "Come on my princess, lets go somewhere together." He laughed out as i chuckled and nodded. Squeezing his cheeks making him look at me as i blushed.

"Sorry i couldn't help it." I wanted to put my hand down until he held my hand and pressed his cheek agaisnt my palm making me blush harder. "It's ok, I like your touch." He grins wide at my expression as his hands wrap around my waist.

"Wah you're so pretty my princess." He stared at all my features as my eyes stared at his lips. I wanted to kiss him so bad but I didn't want to rush anything. Jimin smirks realising my eyes were staring at his lips as he licked his lips teasingly. "You have something to say?"

I quickly shook my head as he loughed and carried me bridal style. "Yah Park Jimin!" Jimin laughed as he started running around as people stared at us, i hid my face into his chest as he laughed and suddenly we were outside a apartment. "Chim Chim where are we?" he put me down as he opened the door.

"We are at the boys dorm, i'm going to introduce you to my friends." My eyes widened but before i could say anything i was dragged inside where i then sow five dudes sat there chatting to each other with some alcohol on the table with snacks, it went silent as they all stared at me with hateful stores that made me confused, "Chim Chim ah, they seem to hate me." Jimin shook his head and held my hand bringing me in and sat me on the couch beside Taehyung, the Kim Taehyung. He stared at me as if glaring as i looked down, i felt so out of place.
"What is she doing here Jimin ah!" Taehyung shouted as if i wasn't right beside him making me flinch and gulp as Jimin glared at him. "Stop it Taehyung, Jimin brought her here for a reason." Namjoon spoke as Jimin nodded, holding up our intertwined hands showing them all as i blushed. "What the-" Yoongi spike as everyone's eyes widened.

I looked at Jimin as he smiled at me reassuringly. "Hyungs, this is y/n, i found out that i'm her prince and i decided that we will start dating. Slowly though i don't want to rush her." Jimin squeezed my hand as i smiled so brightly at him. Everyone was biwildered but Jin cleared his throat. "Well hello there Y/n i'm world wide handsome Jin." He spoke trying to clear the awkward atmosphere. I chuckled and bowed to him as he smiled back before leaning back to his seat. Everyone fell quiet.
I looked up to Jimin as he grabbed a bottle of beer about to gulp it down until i grabbed it and glared at him. "Chim ah you shouldn't be drinking so much, it isn't good for you!" Jimin sighed and

placed the bottle down and smiled.

"I'm sorry my princess." Jimin smilled as i smile to him, his hand suddenly wrap around my waist as he placed me onto his lap making me panic as I looked at the other guys. "Jimin we sh-" "Wow Y/n what powers do you have?" I raised my eyebrow at Hoseok as he continued. "No one can ever stop Jimin from drinking his alcohol, it's like his baby." I chuckled as Jimin laughed staring at me as the other boys agreed. "Well Y/n is my baby now." 1. lushed super hard as Nimin snuggled into my shoulder making all the boys howl and tease us. "Well cheers to the new couple!" I looked over as Taehyung held a glass of apple juice Making me burst out in laughter. "What it's not my fault alcohol sucks." Everyone started laughing as they started to warm up to me making me laugh even more as they were actually really goofy, Yoongi and Hoseok showing their dances, Namjoon breaking some stuff and Jim scolding him, while Taehyung and Jimin chatting, while i was still beside jimin

Suddenly the click of the door was heard as someone had walked in. Our eyes locked as i gulped, my position wasn't super appropriate as everyone stared at the man who came in, Jungkook. He stood there looking at all his hyungs before glaring at Jimin, not specifically his hands that were wrapped around my hand. He scoffed and rolled his eyes, chuckling as he put his bag down and sat beside Namjoon, gulping down on the alcohol without speaking as everyone was staring at him.
Jimin looked at me as i shifted he saw how uncomfortable i was as he sighed and lifts me up making me gasp as everyone looked at us.

"I'll bring Y/n to my room. We'll be back once she feels more comfortable. Jimin spoke the word comfortable louder as he stared at Jungkook who was looking down with the drink in his hands as I was dragged away before I could say anything.

Jimin held me as I stared up into his eyes. No matter how many times I stare at him, he just gets more beautiful. My eyes couldn't leave his "I'm glad i get to be your first kiss my princess." My eyes widened as his eyes stared into my soul his words just made the memories come back of Jungkook.  He started filling my mind as I suddenly felt like Jungkook was the one staring me, my hands gripping tightly on his wrist as I struggled. "Calm down princess." He whispered, his eyes staring into mine as his brown orbs made my whole body relax, his hands gripping mine
"Jimin hyung w- o-oh i'm sorry." I pulled away as Jungkook stared into my eyes with unexplainable emotions, running out as my body wanted to run after him but I stared up as Jimin was staring at me. Jungkook was messing with my whole mind as i felt tears build up, what was i supposed to do, stay with Jimin or go to Jungkook. Then my phone notification was heard as I took my phone, a tear drop. I hope he treats you better.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚘𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚑 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎❤︎❤︎Where stories live. Discover now