I.13 Kim Jiwon ㅡ Bobby

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You was sitting on a bench at the park while staring at your little brother, playing at the playground.

You spent your time there while listening to the music.

On the corner of your eyes, you saw a tall boy, walked towards you. He sat on a same bench with you. You started to feel uncomfortable with him.

" em h-hi~ " he said to you, looked at your worried face.

" urm h-hi. " you said, smiling awkwardly at him.

" hey what's wrong? " he asks you.

" huh? n-nothing. " you said.

" oh okay and by the way, my.name is Kim Jiwon or you can call me Bobby~ " he said while took your hand and shook it.

" oh and i'm (y/f/n). nice to meet you Bobby~ " you said and shook his hand, smiling.

' omfg this is awkward! '. you thought yourself.

" oh nice to meet you too (y/n)-ah~ " Bobby said.

" what are doing here by the way? you came here alone? " Bobby asks you.

" huh? nope, i came here with my little brother. " you said while pointing at your little brother.

" oh. " he said.

" how about you? here? alone? " you asks Bobby.

" yup because my friends were busy with training~ alone? not anymore because I'm with you here~ " he said.

You started to blush at his cheesiness.

" O-o-ohh " you said, blushing hard.

" noona! " your little brother called you.

" Bobby, I got to go now. " you said.

" huh? go to where? " he asks while pouting.

" go home. my little brother called me. " you said, smiling at him.

" oh okay. before that, can i have your number, (y/n)-ah? " Bobby asked you.

" of course. " you said while gave him your number.

" okayy. i got to go now. bye Bobby~ " you said shyly at him as you waved at him.

" Bye bye (y/n)-ah~ " Bobby said, waving back at you, smiling.

" i'm already fall in love with you (y/n)-ah~ "

From that day, Bobby started to call you almost everyday.

You and Bobby became close friends and started to date.


author; wrong, bad, worse grammar! *flips table

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