The Making of A Hero

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*Izuku's POV*

Rushing forward, I could feel the wind against my face, the mist of the ocean cooling my body as I finished my last lap. The cold autumn air keeping me cool as the sun began its journey across the sky. Stopping, I turned around to look at the masterpiece that nature had preserved underneath all the trash that had originally littered the beach.

"Hey hey hey!" I turned toward the voice, as the figure it belonged to made his way towards me, I could see that it was the scrawny man who had been training me for the last few months. "I can't believe you cleaned outside of where I told you to! There's not a speck of dust left!"

As those words left his mouth, he suddenly buffed into his hero form.

"Oh my goodness Young Midoriya!"

I couldn't help but feel the pride welling up in me. "I finally did it, All Might."

"You sure surprised me!" All Might exclaimed "Teenagers truly are amazing!"

With those words, he held up his phone. "Take a look."

I looked at the screen, and couldn't help but chuckle. Just ten months ago, I had been a scrawny boy with no hopes for a future. I mean, as a scrawny quirkless kid, no one would really pay me any mind. But here I am now, stronger than I have ever been, and finally I have accomplished something good.

Lost in my thoughts, my sensei brought me back to reality. "You have finally become a suitable vessel!"

Looking at my sensei, I could feel more pride fill me.

"You know, at first I felt like I was cheating. But now that I have accomplished so much under your guidance, I know that I have finally earned this. You did all this for me, and now I will make you proud, sensei."

"You most definitely have earned this! Now then, it is time for the award ceremony. Come now, Young Midoriya!" All Might bellowed

Pulling out a strand of his golden blond hair, he moved his hand towards my face.

"This is a power that you have earned, for all your hard work and dedication! Now..."

I couldn't believe that this was happening. Something that would be surprising to see even in movies. I was about to gain something in this world, that could make me somebody, and not just a nobody. But I wished I knew what his next words were going to be...

"Eat this!" All might said, with his heroic smile on his face.


"It's a part of the process!" All might said, a bit embarrassed "In order to gain my quirk, you need to ingest my DNA."

"This is not what I was expecting at all!" I couldn't help but scream.

"Just eat it quickly! Before you are late for the exams!" He exclaimed.

Quickly taking it from his hand, I quickly ingested it, before running home to change. I had about an hour before I needed to be there. Feeling the sun bare down on me, I felt invigorated, as I ran around the apartment, getting everything ready, but quite enough as to not wake the neighbors. My mom, having already left for work while I had been at the beach, had left a note on the table.

"Good luck at the exams!"

Rushing out the door, and locking it, I checked my pockets to make sure I had everything ready, and looked presentable before making my way to the exam. Still feeling the energy coursing through my body. 'Probably just from my body getting used to the quirk.'

'Finally' I thought, 'I am here.'

I stood before a massive building, surrounded by a slight green courtyard, slowly withering from the cold, with walls surrounding the premises and a gate with the letters U.A made of bronze.

'In the end, I didn't have time to test out my new quirk I received from All Might, but I know I can pass these exams.'

"Outta my way, Deku!" A voice growled from behind me.

Turning around, I could feel something inside me try to rise up as I looked at my ex-best friend Bakugo, turned middle school bully.

"Bakugo." I said evenly, not letting any emotion into my voice.

"Move out of my way, or I'll kill you."

Knowing he wouldn't do anything to me on school grounds, I turned around and ignored him as I began my ascent up the stairs, the sun just peaking over the school. Ever since the day I saved him, he hasn't done anything against me, besides be mouthy. Probably the only type of 'thank you' I might ever be getting from him.

"Tch" I couldn't help but hear, as he kept walking.

As I made my way towards the doors that lead to so many futures for everyone, I caught a glimpse of a tall, onyx haired girl seemingly trip over herself. Feeling a strange energy, not unlike the one I felt earlier, come over me stronger than before, and before I knew what I was doing, I was by her side, catching her bridal style before she fell down the set of stairs we had just climbed.

"Are you alright, miss?" I began asking her, as her eyes were held shut.

"W-what?!" Opening her eyes to reveal night black stones that almost shimmered like stars in the sunlight.

Looking down at the position she was in, her cheeks flushed red from what I am guessing was embarrassment.

"Y-yes, I am quite alright. Now please put me down!" She exclaimed, turning more red as time passed with her in my arms.

Now it was my turn to blush as I quickly set her down. "S-sorry a-about that!" I exclaimed, "I-I just saw you about to fall, and n-next thing I knew, you were in my arms!"

Her still red tinted cheeks regained a bit of their original color, as she took deep breaths. "It's alright. Sorry for panicking." she said, still a bit red, "Thank you for saving me."

"N-no problem. I-I mean, that's what heroes do, right?" I stammered out, feeling a bit more pride as even though it was a bit embarrassing, I had still saved her. I could feel my cheeks cool as my blush went away.

"Well then, thank you my hero." She teased "But we must be off, before we are late."


As we made our way into the building, Bakugo out of sight, we talked, and I learned that her name is Momo, and she was a recommended student for the heroes course, and I told her my name, and that I was here to take the exams for the heroes course as well, but just the normal ones. As we came to a hallway that split two ways, we wished each other good luck, and made our separate ways to our designated area. I could feel that this was going to be a great year. 

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