The End of the Test

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After following Present Mic's instructions, I got off the bus they used to shuttle us to City B, only to find myself outside the giant doors. 

'Now how do they have enough money to have all of this made?' I began to wonder. 

I could still feel the energy coursing through my body, even more so now that I was in direct sunlight. 

'All Mights quirk is pretty weird. I thought he had said it would only be active when I wanted it to be.' I thought, 'But now it's time to put it to the test.'

As I stood ready, I could feel my clothes getting tighter and tighter. I tried to ignore it as I began to listen to the other examinees, as they talked about just how easy this test is going to be. I could hear some people muttering about how it felt much hotter than it should be during the end of summer/beginning of fall. Looking up, I see that it's about mid-day. Thinking about it, I decided to start stretching, getting my body ready for the upcoming portion of the exam. I could hear bits and pieces of my shirt threads tearing a bit. 

'Are my clothes shrinking?!' I began to think in horror, before calming myself down. 'I'll just have to look into fixing that when I get home.'

Then Present Mic's shout drags me out of my thoughts. 


With that, I wasted no time in charging forward. Behind me I could hear Mic shouting at everyone to not just stand around, but I didn't pause to hear the rest as I ran down streets, looking for my next challenge. 

As I ran down streets and alleyways, I could feel a sense of power coursing through my body. Seeing a one-pointer, I charge forward and bury my hand inside its chest, crushing all the internal components. 

'Are these things really that weak? I mean, sure All Might told me his quirk would increase my strength, this is outrageous!' I thought, as I charged and a group of two-pointers. 

Making quick work of them, I continue to advance, earning more points as I go, and helping anyone I see in trouble. Turning down an alleyway, I found a group of one and two pointers sitting there, almost as if they were waiting to ambush some poor examinee. Burying my fist inside one of them, and then throwing it at another. 

'Wow! These really are weak!' I thought as the others began to advance.

"You really think you can take me?" I ask, as they charged forward. "I'll even let you land a hit on me then!" 

'Where is all of this coming from?!' I begin to think to myself.

As it charged forward, I could hear the hydraulics starting to compress and gears start to shift and turn. It reared its fist back and then shot forward, landing directly on cheek. The sound of metal creaking and breaking, bending under the pressure of the hydraulics and what appeared to be an immovable object. Me. Some of its metal began to melt, but I didn't pay much attention to it as I reared my fist back and sent the robot flying towards its companions. 

"Pathetic" I said aloud.

I rushed down streets, making sure to destroy any robots I could see, but making sure not to destroy any of the ones that had already been engaged in battle with other examinees, unless it looked like they needed assistance.

As I reached the main street, I noticed that it was littered with destroyed or disabled robots. Looking towards the sky, I could see that the sun had finally reached its peak, as buildings began to collapse and metal gears could be heard shifting and grinding. Looking around, I could see everyone was fleeing towards the front gates. Glancing back as energy began to build up even more inside me. 

"Finally. A challenge."

I began to move forward till I heard a small cry of pain coming from the path the robot was walking. Looking closer, I saw an outline of someone pinned under the rubble. I couldn't easily tell who it was, but I knew they needed help. Right as I took another step forward, time seemed to slow. The energy that had been building inside me, seemed to reach it's peak, and started to push it's self outwards. I took another step, and I was surrounded by an aura of heat. I could feel the hard concrete start to soften as my shirt tore more and more. I could feel myself getting taller. 

 I jumped forward, thinking back to the beach, when All Might told me more about One for All, as lightning began to shoot out of my body.

Focusing all the heat into my hand, a small, bright light appeared. I held my arm up, gathering more and more power and heat into the area above my hand, I could feel the area begin to warm up, almost like a heater during a snowstorm, and the area began to get brighter. 

Priming my arm behind my head, I threw it forward, flinging the mini sun forward, shouting out the first words that came to mind. 

"Crude Sun!"

The mini ball of light flew forward, atomizing the surface of the robot as it moved closer. The closer the mini sun got, the faster the zero-pointer melted into nothingness. It kept going, till it completely vaporized the robot entirely. Making my decent back down to the ground, I could feel the heat begin to subside from around me. Landing on the ground, I could feel the concrete shatter and break from the pressure. 

My body began to slowly shrink back down to its normal size, as I quickly lifted the rubble of the person who had been pinned and then lifted them up.

"What's your name?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"Toru..." They started before Present Mic shouted.

"Times up!" Mic's voice rang out.

"Alright." A voice squeaked out. "Good job everyone, good job everyone. You all did great! Here, take some gummies."

An elderly woman made her way from person to person checking on all of them as she made her way towards me and the mystery person who seemed invisible. 

"That mademoiselle is the backbone of U.A, the true hero of heroes." A blond examinee spoke. "That there, is The Youthful Heroine; Recovery Girl!"

"U.A can only go through with such reckless entrance exams because of her." He factually stated.

Quickly making her way over, she planted her lips on Toru's head, and I saw what I assumed to be her ankle light up, and with some slight popping, I heard Toru sigh in relief. 

"Please place her on here sonny, we'll take good care of her." Recovery Girl spoke, before her and the other person wheeled her off after setting her down gently.

"And on that note, everyone may now go home! The exams are now finished. You will receive a letter in one week if you are accepted after we go through everything." Mic announced, as everyone began to make their way out the main gates. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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