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he dropped his phone , "where's all the promise ?"

      -               Disclaimer              -

This is my first fanfic and I am NOT a professional . If you found grammar errors , please forgive me and pretend it's not even there . 

I wrote this for fun as I found that this situation that actually happened in my life recently is quite interesting. So , why not write a fanfiction based on my real life story ? Reminder that it's not connected to any of the character I used in this story. I just use them for visual appearance.

It's not 100% accurate with the real events , I just add some spice to make it more fun ;)

TW , it includes self-harm and bad words . There's probably more things that will triggered you that I did not notice , so please skip it if you feel uncomfortable .

That's all from me , so please enjoy this story that I would love to share with you all <3

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