Paper Hearts

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    She mentioned his name. Everyone stopped chewing and started to listen to her. "He's being nice to me. We always hang out together when we have free time." She stopped talking when she saw our shook face. "haha of course not just two of us! We're in a group! Hhahaahah..haha." That's too obvious honestly. "He also lend me his notes when I missed classes every time I'm sick. Oh yeah, he bought me medicine too!" By listening to that, Jungkook put down his chopstick. Aggressively. That shocked everyone specially me who sat beside him. I can feel his anger and it's scary. "You have any news about Taehyung? We haven't contact him for long time already. You must've know, right? I mean, you're his girlfriend." Jungkook asked Hye Rin. When I tell you I can feel the tension. It's so awkward and the fact that I understand what he meant. Mom turned her head to me. I don't know what to do but this is interesting so I'm just going to let it going on. 

    "Taehyung? aah.. He's good. He's been studying a lot that's why I don't really want to disturb him. Yale students  are soo competitive, you know? haha.." stated Hye Rin. At this point, it's now obvious that she hasn't been calling Taehyung at ALL and what he said was true. "He didn't call you at all?" I think Jungkook has lost his patient. I need to stop this. But before I could, mom already did. "Oh no! Jagiya, we forgot to buy your gifts for Mr. Lee's daughter wedding tomorrow! We should go now." A wedding? I don't even know anything about this. "aaah yes yes, I almost forget about it! Let's go. Three of you, find a nice outfit to go tomorrow."

 Oh, there's really a wedding tomorrow. I thought it was just a part of mom's plan to stop the tension. Jungkook get up and put his dish in the sink. He's in a bad mood but still got manners. He straightly went to his room after that. 

   "Why is he like that?" Hye Rin asked me. "Do you expect me to understand every single thing about him?" I'm actually pissed off. The audacity that she have to talk sweetly about that guy and just a short sentence about Taehyung? She's changing. "Chill. Not you're in a bad mood too." I gave her a dirty look. "I swear to god everyone in this house hate me.I'm going to pick a dress for tomorrow. Good luck washing dishes, sis!" She's not wrong , I started to hate her. 

 40 minute passed

  Phew, that's a lot of dishes and no one's helping me and that makes it a lot more tiring. It's 8pm already but mom and dad hasn't come home yet. Maybe they going somewhere else. 

   I went to my room and lay my back on my bed. I really want to sleep but I remembered about the wedding. Which dress should I wear? I check my wardrobe and found 3 dresses.

 Which dress should I wear? I check my wardrobe and found 3 dresses

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1) Gorgeous white dress

2) Cute blue mini dress

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2) Cute blue mini dress

3) beautiful mini white dress

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3) beautiful mini white dress

 As I'm about too try one of them, Hye Rin come in. "You got lots of nice outfit! Let me help you." I don't want her help to be honest, but she's pretty good in this topic. I have no choice but to accept it. "Sure." She clapped her hand happily. 

  "Let's see.. both of these mini dresses are gorgeous and it will look so good on you. But, it's winter and I'm afraid that you'll freeze to death." Hye Rin gave her opinion. "Is the wedding held outside?" I asked her. "Well, no. Mom said it's in a hotel hall." She told me. "Well then, I can wear it." I told her. She stared at me for a while. "Alright. Wear the mini white dress. It looks so nice!" She suggested. "Why not the blue one?" 

   "The wedding theme is white. Don't you hear mom said just now?" She said. "Umm..No." She sighed. "You wear the mini one. I'm going to take this long white dress." Hye Rin grabbed the dress and immediately ran to her room. Who allowed her to take MY dress? That's so rude. But, I just let it go and continue preparing my dress.

 Everything's prepared and now I'm ready to sleep. I put my phone on the bedside table and turn off the lamp. I was going to close my eyes when my phone rang. Gosh, there's always something to disturb me when I'm trying to have a dream. 

"Yes, Taehyung?"  

"Hye Jun-ah, I'm so sorry for disturbing you."

"nah it's fine."

"I'm at the airport right now."


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