🌸 n o t j e a l o u s 🌸

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Yashiro, Hanako and Kou had gotten themselves into yet again, another unfortunate situation. This time, they got stuck in another realm. Of course, it was a real pain. They were in a large mansion, with hundreds of rooms which seemingly changed locations every time they turned their back.

Once they got themselves in there, they couldn't find the exit, and so for the next long couple of hours, they walked the never ending corridors in search for the big red door they entered in. And, unfortunately for Yashiro, the house was riddled with spiders and cobwebs. This was not her thing.

"Eek!" Squeaked Yashiro, again.

Kou and Hanako had clearly had enough of her being skittish and jumpy, and of course, loud.

"Yashiroooo, be quiet! We are trying to concentrate here!"
"I cant help it! Hanako, get rid of the spiders! Use your spirit powers or whatever!"
"No. I'm not going near those creatures."

Yashiro huffed and crossed her arms, defeated. They continued walking around the house. It was cold, damp, and dimly lit by candles on the walls. It smelt of old ladies and dust, and had a creepy, unwelcoming aura. Kou and Yashiro's footsteps echoed throughout the long, never ending halls. Hanako walked along with them, silently of course. No ghost makes footsteps.

"Are we nearly there yet?"
"No, Yashiro."

The trio had had just enough of walking through the maze of a house. It felt like it had been forever, 100 years, 1 billion hours. In reality, it had probably only been around 2 hours.

They came across a large dining-kitchen area, and decided to use it well before they turned their backs on the door, where it would inevitably disappear.
Kou lazily made his way over to the food preparing area. A stove, sink, oven, microwave, even a popcorn maker for some reason, and a fridge. He opened it.

"Hey, Senpai, Hanako, look. There's food in the fridge..."

Kou looked longingly at the food on the shelves. Chicken, vegetables, fruit, pudding, cake...
His tummy rumbled as if on cue. He could feel the drool in his mouth.
Hanako drifted over towards him with a skeptical look.

"I wouldn't trust that. What if it comes to life and kills us or something?"
"I don't care! I haven't eaten in hours!" He whined.
"Me neither," Yashiro got up from her seat at the table and walked over.
"If we walk any longer, I'll die of starvation!"

Kou and Yashiro looked at Hanako expectantly. Hanako gazed back over the contents of the fridge. His eyes landed on a small brown paper bag, labelled 'donuts' .

"Let's eat."

"Hanako that was MY pudding!" Yashiro yelled.
"Mine now!" Hanako laughed.

The pair continued to laugh together and ate their food.
"Hanako, do you even know how to get us out of here? You're a spirit, this should be easy for you!" Kou started.

"I don't, this isn't my realm so I can't really do much. Sorry. If I had powers, sure, but I'm just a ghost." He continued stuffing his face with donuts.

Kou sighed. On the bright side, he got to spend more time with Yashiro!

The three sat, stuffed, at the table. Their eyes were shut, holding their stomachs, and sat sleepily on the chairs.

"I feel so fulllll!" Kou sighed.
"Same... I shouldn't have eaten all the 20 donuts, I don't think food and ghosts go well together." Hanako chuckled quietly to himself.

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