☁️ s p i n t h e bo t t l e ☁️

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"We should play spin the bottle!"
Tsukasa shouted.

The group were having a sleepover at Tsukasa and Amane's house over the weekend. It consisted of Mitsuba, Kou, Yashiro, Aoi, Akane, and obviously, Tsukasa and Amane.

The group all went to school together and the majority of them were friends with each other.

Aoi only came because Yashiro begged her, and of course, wherever Aoi goes, Akane follows.

The other teenagers looked at Tsukasa, inquisitively, curious about the new game.

"Come on, don't tell me you don't know what spin the bottle is."
Tsukasa giggled.

A few of them shook their heads. Tsukasa sighed.

"Ok, well, we have a bottle, and someone spins it. Whoever it lands on, you have to kiss them!"
He smirked.

People started mumbling about how that was a stupid game and a stupid idea, but some of them still slightly blushed. Amane quickly looked at Yashiro and looked back down with red cheeks.

Kou noticed this, and rolled his eyes.
"I'll play, you only live once, so why not?"

Tsukasa grinned and clasped his hands together, happy that his plan was working.

"Ok, I'll play as well..." Aoi mumbled.
"I'LL PLAY TOO!" Akane shouted, a little too loud.

Amane snickered, and Akane sent him an annoyed look.

"Whatever, let's just play. It can't end badly, so why not?" Yashiro smiled.

"Okay, who wants to spin first?" Tsukasa asked.
"You're all perverts!" Mitsuba called from the other side of the room.

He was huddled in a ball, mumbling something about how they were teens and how of course it would end badly. Nobody was surprised.

"I'll go." Said Aoi.

She reached towards the bottle and spun it without hesitation. Yashiro noticed Akane tense up.

The bottle came to a slow stop.
It had landed on Kou.

"What!? That's not fair, you spun it weirdly!" Akane choked out, mouth agape.

"It's all part of the game, Akane-chan. You said you wanted to play, so play it right!" Tsukasa chuckled.

Kou went bright red. Aoi shrugged. Mitsuba was still rocking back and forth in the corner of the room.

"Might as well..." Aoi moved from her place in the circle, getting closer to Kou.
Yashiro's mouth formed an O, and she clapped her hands on her cheeks in shock and anticipation.

The other teens watched intently.

Aoi leaned forward... and placed a small kiss on Kou's cheek.

"Hey, that's not how you play it!" Tsukasa whined.
"You need to kiss on the lips!"

"Oh- I see." Aoi kissed Kou on the lips, quickly and gently.
Amane swore that Kou turned into a tomato.

Aoi scrambled back to her place in the circle and looked down.
Akane was not happy. Kou was still in shock.

"I'm going next."
Akane stated.

He spun the bottle violently. After a lot of spinning, it came to a halt. On Amane.

"NO!" Akane groaned.
"Come here, give me a kiss!" Amane teased.

"No no no no no!" Akane stood up and ran over to Mitsuba, rolling into a ball and also rocking back and forth. It was very clear the only person he wanted it to land on was Aoi.

She giggled and averted her attention to the remaining people in the circle.
"Why don't you go, Nene?"
"Me?" Yashiro gulped. Aoi was the only one who knew about her crush on Amane.

Aoi nodded. Yashiro hesitantly put her hand on the bottle. She took a deep breath and spun it.

It seemed to take way too long, leaving Yashiro nervous for the long 5 seconds that it span.

It slowed down, and came to a stop.

"Awwww, it's me!"
Tsukasa grinned.

Yashiro's heart stopped. It was so close to Amane, who was sitting next to Tsukasa.

Amane looked down at the bottle and back at Yashiro, and then to his brother. Tsukasa smirked.

"Come on, you know the rules!"

Yashiro gulped and shuffled over to him. She felt her heart beating faster and faster as she leaned in. This is not how she expected her night to go, kissing her crushes BROTHER.

She closed her eyes and prepared for impact.

And she did. Her lips hit something. But it wasn't Tsukasa.
She pulled back hastily.

Amane was sat in his spot, his hand between his brother and Yashiro. He was looking down at the floor.

Tsukasa looked at him, confused. Aoi and Kou also stared at him, inquisitively. Amane didn't acknowledge them.

"Amane, you can't just do that, that's against the rules!" Tsukasa whined.

He didn't respond.

"Don't try and kiss her." He snapped.

The whole room fell silent. Even Mitsuba stopped his rambling about 'impurity'.

Yashiro's cheeks heated up.

"Amane, it's just a game-"
"He's my brother. Don't kiss my brother."

He still didn't look up from the floor.

The atmosphere was tense.

"Amane-channnn, don't tell me you're-"
"Don't say it."
Tsukasa winked suggestively at him. Amane looked up at him, anger in his eyes.

"This was your idea. Don't act like you didn't know what was going to happen."
Everyone stayed silent as Amane stood up and left the room.

Everyone's attention turned to Yashiro.

She looked around and got the message. She stood up and left the room, chasing after Amane.

The door swung shut.


Yashiro entered the kitchen. Amane was filling his glass up with water while grasping the counter.


She walked up behind him and put a hand in his back.
"Why did you do that?"

He stayed silent for a moment, but turned around to look at her.
"I didn't want you kissing him."

They stared at each other. Amane's demeanour was vulnerable yet annoyed.

"He's my brother. It would be weird."
"Why would it be weird?"

He took a deep breath.

"I don't want to date someone who kissed my brother."

The two went silent.

"You... want to-"
"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that."
"You want to date me?"
"I didn't say that-"
"Yes you did."

Amane gulped. Yashiro smiled at him, sweetly.

"Maybe I did..."
"If you wanted to date me, you could've just said."
"Because the answer is yes."

Yashiro pulled Amane down and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He stared at her, dumbfounded, lost for words.

"That was my first kiss.." she whispered.
"It's certainly not gonna be your last."

Amane smiled, before pulling her in again.

(W/C: 1066) yeah I don't know what happened here. I went to a party last night and I'm super tired so my writing isn't great. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! -M <3

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