🌸 r e g r e t (part 2.) 🌸

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"Amane- Amane passed away last night."


Yashiro stumbled backwards.
It all seemed to happen so fast. 2 minutes ago, Yashiro was anxious to see the boy she loved. Now, she was being informed of his death?

The old lady, who Yashiro now assumed was his grandmother, bowed her head, dolefully.
"I'm so sorry."

Yashiro's heart pounded in her ears. She didn't believe it. It couldn't be true. It simply couldn't.
"H-how- why? What-?" Tears threatened to spill.

"He was ill. Terminally ill. He didn't tell you?"
Yashiro felt dizzy. The world seemed to spin around her, but she somehow managed to stay on her feet.

"He had a day left to live. He asked to spend it- with you."
This didn't make sense. Amane wasn't ill. He was normal. He went to school, like normal. He acted normal. He was normal. He was fine!

"No- you don't understand- Amane was fine yesterday- we went to the field- we-"
Yashiro choked back sobs.

"I'm so sorry. I thought he would've told you."
"How- how long had he been-"
"3 years."
A tear ran down Yashiro's cheek.

"You've got it wrong- he's not-"
"I'm sorry."

Yashiro forgot how to breathe properly. It became irregular and erratic. She covered her mouth with her hand and stumbled backwards. She turned away from the house, unable to face the old lady anymore. She pushed open the gate and ran.

And she ran.

She sobbed uncontrollably as she ran through the streets, weaving through traffic. Horns beeped at her, only adding to the pain and stress she was feeling. She was so confused. He had left her with so many unanswered questions. How. Why?

She ran away from the house. She ran for her life. Ran faster than any time she had ever ran. Ran faster than the day Amane cheered her on during cross country. Ran faster than how her and Amane had done when racing to see who could get to the next lamppost fastest. Ran faster than when she was reuniting with him after she came back from vacation.

Memories filled her distraught mind.

Her brain was overflowing. Sounds of cars, people talking, dogs barking, birds chirping, noises that Yashiro heard every day, sounds that made her feel safe, were having the complete opposite effect.

The cars sounded twice as loud as they should be. Peoples voices morphed and distorted into monstrous noises, dogs barking made adrenaline shoot through Yashiro's veins, and the harmless melodies the birds once played, now were whistles of pain and calls signifying endings.

Yashiro struggled to hear her own breathing. Her thoughts completely drowned out by the sounds surrounding her. She clasped her hands over her ears in a pathetic attempt to suffocate the demonic noises.

She didn't know where she was going. She just ran. She ran and ran, passing the rice fields. She ran further, down the windy paths surrounded by shrubs and trees. She ran through the cherry blossoms, petals falling in her face innocently, just like they had done the day before.

Yashiro ran. She ran through the places her and Amane had once trekked before. She ran, chasing the ghost of yesterday. Chasing memories. Chasing who was no longer here.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, she didn't bother to wipe the, away. They rolled down her cheeks and down her neck, some resting on her lips. The lips that Amane had touched with his own.

Through the winding paths. Over the stepping stones. Past the trees. Into the flowers.
Her loud sobs rang in her ears.

She tripped over a stray tree root and tumbled over. She rolled through the grass, through the flowers. Nothing could stop the tears from flowing down her porcelain cheeks.

She came to a stop in the middle of the field her and her lover had been in the day before. She lay on her back, staring at the sky. Clouds morphed into oil paintings from her tear-stricken eyes. She sobbed, seeping emotion from every pore.

She was shattered. She was no longer a whole. Her other half, her twin flame, her soulmate, was cruelly ripped from her grasp, the very day after he had been given to her.

Yashiro stayed. Staring into the sky. She was fully wrung of tears, unable to produce any more.
The sun had set.
The stars were visible.
And so was the moon.

Yashiro was heartbroken.
She stared up at the moon, her only source of light.
The stars in the night sky twinkled and shone, unaware of how much she was hurting.

Yashiro whispered.
Her voice was hoarse, but it was still her voice. The sweet, soft voice.
The voice, that never got to tell him how she felt.

She stared at the moon.
"Why, Amane?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"
"We had so much left to- to do."

She stifled a sob.

"Are you there?"
"Are you up there, on the moon?"
"You never told me if you believed in the afterlife..."

"I'm sorry, Amane."

"I should've told you."

"I didn't know- that- that you had such little time left..."

A tear silently tricked down her cheek.

"I loved you. No- I do love you."
She sniffled.

"I know- I know you loved me too."

"I just wish you would've told me sooner."

The only sounds was the echoing sound of the river, the songs of the crickets, and the occasional hoot of an owl.

"There was so much we could've done. We could've graduated together- we could've gone to college together- moved in together- gotten married..."
She let out a sad laugh.

"We could've gone to the moon."

She stared up at the glowing ball in the sky.
"But I guess you did that without me, huh?"
Yashiro smiled sorrowfully.

"We may never see each other again..."
"But I'll always love you."

A dark cloud started to cover the glow of the moon.

"Goodnight, my love."
The moon fell fully obscured.
One last tear rolled down her soft cheek.

"Until we meet again, Amane."

(W/C: 1013) 3378 words in part 1 and 2 together. So, this is part 2 finished. I hope you enjoyed. It's been raining today, so I decided to write a story that matched the mood of the weather. Coincidentally, it has just become sunny as I finished writing this. Please forgive me if I made you sad, I'll write a cute one soon. Promise. -M <3

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