🌸 r e g r e t (part 1.) 🌸

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Yashiro and Amane sat slumped in their seats in their geography class. The two giggled as they passed notes to each other. They were sat on the same row, separated by one unlucky student between them.
Their teacher, who was the most boring teacher you could ever imagine, droned on in the background about something to do with water cycles.

Amane passed yet another note to Yashiro, slipping the folded paper to her behind the chair of the boy who sat between them. Yashiro smiled subtly and opened the folded paper.

'You've got an ink smudge on your nose.'

Yashiro's eyes widened in fear and embarrassed as she rubbed her nose violently.
Amane stifled a laugh and covered his mouth. Yashiro scribbled something onto the paper and passed it back.

'Is it gone??'

Amane giggled at Yashiro's frantic handwriting and the embarrassment on her face. She looked expectantly at Amane, waiting anxiously for an answer. He seemed to be writing for far too long.

Amane smiled and slipped the paper behind the chair, Yashiro reached for it, and in her haste, their fingers brushed against each other. Amane dropped the paper onto the floor and Yashiro blushed and pulled her hand away. The two made eye contact, and Amane smiled at Yashiro.

'You're blushing'. He mouthed, and gestured to his cheeks.

Yashiro looked away and covered her face. Amane smiled, but his eyes never left the blushing girl only a seat away from him.

The two forgot about the note.
It sat on the floor, unread.

'I was just messing around, it's just cute to see you all flustered like that. ;)'

Amane and Yashiro left the school. Yashiro holding her bag with both hands, Amane's slung over one shoulder. They laughed together and talked about their day.

They felt complete with each other. Their conversations flowed freely, never awkward, never bored, never a subject they couldn't talk about. Yashiro and Amane were like two halves of a whole.

They were on their way to a secluded field, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. The sun was shining, hitting their faces and giving them a warm glow. It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in sight, birds chirping in the distance, beautiful melodies played like Mother Nature's music box.

Amane had insisted that there was something really cool that he wanted to show Yashiro. Of course, Yashiro being Yashiro, she complied. Yashiro had a crush on Amane, so the more time they could spend together, the better. She felt butterflies around him, even though they had been friends for years. Yashiro couldn't quite explain what she felt around him, the closest comparison would be true, ultimate safety and tranquility.

Amane felt the same way, he wouldn't admit it though.

They passed rice fields, waving at the farmers, bent over working.

"Amane, this is actually taking forever. Are we nearly there?"
"Nearly! Be patient!"

Yashiro groaned.

"Truuust me! It will be so worth it." Amane laughed.

The two continued pacing though the pathways, past trees and shrubs. The sun shone through the leaves of the canopy above them, creating eccentric patterns on the ground below them, and on their faces.

It was spring, and the cherry blossoms were blooming. The two walked through secret pathways previously undisturbed. Amane admired Yashiro, stray white and pink cherry blossom petals floating around her, enhancing her already indescribable beauty.

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