🌸 f o r e v e r 🌸

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Childhood friends AU.
— x — x — x — x — x — x —

"Forever?" The small girl asked the young boy in front of her.
"Forever, and always!" He smiled back.

The pair linked their pinky fingers and giggled with each other. They fell back onto the soft dewy grass behind them, pinkies still interlaced and both still giggling uncontrollably.
Amane and Nene were best friends.

"Mommy, can we have pasta for dinner tonight?"
Young Nene tugged lightly on her mothers apron as she stood, chopping vegetables on the counter. She looked down at her 4 year old daughter and gave her a soft, motherly smile.
"Of course Nene-chan. But why?"

"Because Amane-chan loves it!" The little girl sent her mother a bright, wide grin.
"Of course, darling."

In the woods behind the Yashiro house, Amane and Nene gathered sticks together, ready to build their fort. It was bright and warm, pools of light projected through the leaves onto the ground below. The two children laughed and chatted and just had fun.

"Amane-chan, you barely got any sticks!" Nene sighed, dropping her pile of sticks (twigs) on the floor next to the area they had cleared together, ready for their fort.

"Sorry Nene-chan, I just couldn't find sticks as good as yours." Amane twiddled his thumbs as he looked up at Nene bashfully.
Nene giggled and sat down on the floor, motioning for him to sit down with her.

"Amane, why don't we play pretend?"
"Play pretend?" He echoed her, inquisitively.
"Yeah. Ah! Look! There's a big bear coming for us!"

The pair giggled and squealed as they ran fast through the forest, tightly grasping one another's hands. The imaginary bear chased after them, exciting the pair even more.

Nene tripped over a protruding tree root and fell on her face. The imaginary bear dissolved as she started crying, her knee grazed and bleeding slightly.

"Nene-chan!" Amane called, and rushed over to his friend. Squatting down beside her, he examined her graze.
"Don't worry Nene-chan. I'll kiss it better!" He leant down and gave it a soft kiss.

Nene sniffled and wiped her face with her sleeve, but smiled.
"Thank you Amane-kun. It feels better now!"

It was the first day of first grade, and Nene was stood, all alone, in the middle of the playground. Surrounded by screaming kids, playing, running, kicking balls, hanging on the monkey bars. She glanced over them all, watching them silently.
She averted her gaze to her shoes, new ones her mother had bought her. They had small flowers on them, and in each flower had a small fake gemstone.

She stayed like that, unmoving, wishing she had someone...anyone, to play with. She wanted so desperately to be like the other kids.

"Hey Nene-chan!" Said a familiar voice.
Nene looked up to see Amane grinning widely down at her.
The pair smiled happily at each other.

"Do you want to play tag?" Amane asked, eagerly.
"Of course!"

Amane was the best friend ever!

"Nene, who would you like to come to your birthday party? You're turning 10 this year! You're getting so old!"
Nene giggled at her mothers words.

"I don't know...I think I might invite Amane-chan!"
"That's a lovely idea sweetheart...but...is there not anyone else you'd like to invite? A friend from school, maybe?"
"Amane-chan goes to my school!"
"Ah- I see. Would you not like to invite any..girls?"
"No thanks mommy. I just want Amane!"

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