☁️ b a d k i s s e r ☁️

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"You're a bad kisser."

Yashiro pulled back, mouth agape.
"A what now?!"

"A bad kisser. You're bad at kissing."
Hanako folded his arms with a serious look on his face, and turned away.
"I am not a bad kisser! That's just mean!"

Yashiro was clearly hurt. Hanako had totally just insulted her kissing skills and she was not having it. Yashiro thought of herself as a relatively good kisser, she always put lip balm on before turning up at school, she always had mint gum on her, and her lips weren't small, either.

"It's not mean, it's literally the truth. You're just a bad kisser. End of."
Yashiro pouted as tears glazed over her eyes. She folded her hands over her chest.

"Well, if you really think that, don't kiss me!"
Yashiro stormed out of the room. Hanako, whom was still looking away, turned to where Yashiro once stood. He unfolded his arms and let them drop to his side.
"Oh. That didn't work out exactly how I expected."

The Mokke sat as his feet sighed. Somehow.

Yashiro got home and jumped on her bed, burying her face deep into her pillows. She screamed internally.
'Why would he say I'm a bad kisser?! I'm not! Ugh!'

She sat up with an angry look on her face. She was going to show him. She grabbed a mirror off her nightstand and stared at herself.

She would just have to practice.

The next day when the school bell rang, signifying the start of lunch, Yashiro was the first to pick up her bags and rush out of the room. She stomped down to the girls bathroom. People stared at her as she walked past, an angry but confident look on her face.

'All that practice yesterday will be sure to shut him up about "bad kissing"!"

Hanako almost sensed her coming, a bad feeling brewing in his gut.
She whipped open the bathroom door and slammed it behind her.

Wow, she was different than yesterday.
She strutted her way over to Hanako. Terrified, he backed up against the wall.
"Woah- Yashiro what are you-mfph!"

She grabbed his cheeks and pushed her lips harshly against his. She waited for a second, and then pulled away and stared into his eyes.

"Is that better?"

Hanako was at a loss for words. He stood, still backed up against the wall, Yashiro's hands now resting on his shoulders. He stared back at her, lost.

"Uhm- no. You were too harsh. You're still a bad kisser." He said, turning his head in the other direction.

Yashiro slumped, dropping her head downwards. She let out a huge sigh.
"Ughhhhhhh!" She took her hands away from Hanako and strutted out of the bathroom, leaving him (unknown to her) a blushing mess. He touched a finger to his lips.

"Maybe my plan did work after all."

The Mokke sighed, again, somehow.

"Aoi-chan, please, how do I become a better kisser!?" Yashiro pleaded. Everyone was packing up to go home, and this was Yashiro's last chance of the day to get some better advice.

"Uh- sorry Nene-chan, I don't really know..." Aoi said, putting her books back into her bag.

"I don't know...maybe try and put some real emotion into it? Wait- WHO ARE YOU KISSING?"
"NOBODY!" Yashiro flushed bright red and continued to insist it was only advice for the future.

Yashiro thanked Aoi for her helpful (unhelpful) advice, and made her way to the bathroom.

"Oh, Yashiro, just in time. Someone splashed water all over the floor and I-uhph!"
Once again, he was cut off by her pressing her lips to his. This time it was very soft, her lips only grazing his. She pulled back with a sigh.

"Did I do better?"
"No that was actually really bad." Hanako was being honest.
"And this time it was way too soft. Psh, you're so bad at kissing."
He smirked and crossed his arms.

"Ugh! You're so mean to me! I am a good kisser!"
"No you're not."
"I am!"
"Yes I AM!"

Hanako giggled and covered his mouth.
"You need actual practice, stupid. What have you been practicing with, a mirror?"

Yashiro's cheeks burned bright red from embarrassment.

"Yashiro- you actually kissed a mirror?"

Hanako burst into laughter. He held his aching stomach from how much he was laughing. Yashiro pouted and put her hands on her hips.

"Yashiro-aha-you need actual- practice." He said between gasps of laughter.
"What is that supposed to mean."

Hanako gained his composure back gradually and smiled. He stepped over to Yashiro and lifted her head up with his fingers under her chin.
"Come on, I'll help you practice."


The two pulled away, breathing heavily, lips swollen.
"Am I- am I doing better?"
"Nope, still bad. Try again."
"How can I still be bad? I've been practicing for like-"

Yashiro turned to look at the clock.
"Half an hour!"

Hanako laughed, his hands resting on Yashiro's waist.
"Yeah, and you're still bad!"
"No way. This is suspicious, Hanako. I am not a bad kisser. Why do you keep saying I am!?"
Hanako went silent.

"Because you are."
"No I'm not, you're lying. Why?"

Hanako's amber eyes stared into Yashiro's grapefruit coloured ones.
He sighed.

"Ok, maybe you're not a bad kisser. I just-"
He sighed again, and instead of continuing his sentence, instead planted another kiss on her lips. She pushed him off.

"Because why?"
"Because...I wanted you to practice."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Hanako seemed to shrink, he looked away, cheeks burning and full of embarrassment.

"I just wanted you to practice with me."

Yashiro had a sudden realisation.
"Oh...So you're saying you just wanted an excuse to kiss me more?"
Yashiro smirked at him. He flushed red.

"Oh shut up."
Hanako whispered, smiling as their lips met once again.

(W/C: 1010) hehehe another short one for you lovelies! If you can't tell already, I am touch deprived. At least Hanako and Nene get to live the life I could never :') thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed. -M <3

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