forty eight

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We finally went to lunch with my mum, trust me I least expected my mum and Tommy to be so comfortable with each other, they talked and laughed at the jokes they shared, it was quite comforting as it was surprising.

My mum told stories of my younger days and Tommy took the leisure of laughing at me, I was happy they got to enjoy each other's company.

There was no need to try and convince my mum about him and I was happy about that.

My mum had always been the social type trying her best to build and maintain appearances as she often said, it was me she was a bit difficult with because she never wanted me to end up like her. I honestly did not blame her, it was her twisted way of showing me great love but I'm glad we've gone past that and now we are building a solid foundation on the mother and daughter bond.

"So mum, when is the coffee shop opening?" I asked

Her eyes lit up in excitement "well the contractors are still working on the place and I'm so excited they'd soon be done"

I was so happy for my mom, it was a good thing she was achieving her dreams.

"That is an amazing project Mrs Grover I assure you" Tommy said

"Thank you. Uh how's your mum?"

"She's fine"

They continued discussing, Tommy kept giving her suggestions for her coffee shop while I tuned out. A chill of nostalgia hit me I missed my younger days with my late dad it was always so warm, I miss my dad's laughter his very rare rare and genuine laughter, I miss that a lot, I miss fishing together, I also miss him telling me stories, if he was here, a lot of things would've been different first of all my mom wouldn't have to build this coffee shop alone because he would have been here for her. I miss Edward Grover. Fuck cancer

"Now I guess it's time for a brief photo grid" she said with a mischievous smile as she placed our old photo collection on the table

My face flushed from embarrassment and I palmed my face, my mom could be extra sometimes.

"This is Betty when she was running from bathing in her diapers"

Tommy's amused eyes found mine and he laughed

I rolled my eyes "in my defense I hated those ugly duck toys you put in my bath water"

My mother ignored me and flipped the page

Tommy mocked me by making a duck sound with his mouth and I flipped him the bird

He laughed loudly and tickled me which made me end up laughing

"That's Betty and her father on a fishing trip"

I smiled and leaned closer to admire the happy moment I shared with dad. In the picture, I was sitting on his shoulders and we both raised our hands in the air happily as he's held mine.

"He was my first step dad, I never got to meet my actual father" I clarified when I saw the confusion on his face

"Oh" he managed to say

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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