Watching The Stars (5 x 7)

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Seven shivered a bit, pulling his scarf closer.

"I-it s-sure is cold tonight.."

Five however, skipped next to him without a problem.

"What?" She noticed him bury himself in the rainbow fabric, "Oh, I guess it is.. We can go home if you'd like."

"N-no, I'll be fine, I just don't like the dark very much."

Five led him to a hill, "Really?"

"Y-yeah, it's cold, not as warm as the sun, and it's really...uh... dark?" Seven didn't know how else to really say 'dark'.

"Oh? Does the moon help?"

"Maybe, I've only been out at night a few times on my own. I've never seen the moon really, it was normally cloudy.."

"Then it's a good thing I took you here! I wanna show you something."

Seven looked around, "This is the hill we went and watched that one rainbow form earlier today?"

"Yes, our spot." Five giggled, "Now look this way!"

Seven followed her gaze, gasping in surprise when a tiny light peeked out from the endless sky.

"What's that? It's looks like a mini sun!"

Five didn't answer.

"Wait for it.."

Soon, the whole sky burst with tiny little diamonds glittering everywhere, the whole sky became a light show.

Five bounced a bit and glowed along with them, spinning around under the night sky.

"Five, what is this? There's so many!"

"They're stars! My favorite shape!"

Seven looked in awe back to the twinkling stars, it was like a night rainbow, he never would've thought so much light could possibly be in such darkness.

Five had stopped twirling about and flopped back down onto the ground, sighing happily.



"I think stars are my favorite shapes too."

"That's amazing."

"And.." Seven joined her in laying back, "I know you're my favorite star of all."

(I know it's short, but I have a lot going on right now. lol)

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