All Birds Have Wings, They're All Just Different

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Two adored flying.

It was a great feeling when you could just let out your paper wings and take off in a heartbeat. The euphoria of learning the new tricks that birds did in midair, it was amazing to experience.

The orange number loved to admire everything there is about the world, there was nothing stopping him from doing so. Different weather conditions made it fun, because he had different wings for every situation, the dream and feeling of being aflutter and releasing all negativity to the wind was breathtaking, and he didn't want to ever let it go.

He never saw it as a handy ability to have, however, seeing as his friends preferred rays and rockets instead. Nobody had even flown with him before, One didn't like using wings, and everyone above him was too heavy to use them (Zero never went too high and couldn't pick up the wings. The What-ifer nearly sent him crashing by getting bored and turning his wings into normal sheets of paper). So Two had only done it occasionally, not wanting to leave the rest of Numberland out of it.

The unexpected meeting of the Alphablocks had him getting his hopes up, maybe these new block creatures could fly with him, seeing as they were all the same size. But he was wrong, they didn't fly, couldn't. Not unless they spelt a word, and they were okay with being on the ground more than the air anyways, not even questioning how the Numberblocks were shooting literal fire out of their bodies in order to levitate. (How A continuously ended up in the air was beyond him.)

Two found the flying habit getting less and less appealing the more he did it.

Mostly because he was doing it alone.

He never liked being alone, so he stopped flying completely, noting how much less freedom the world seemed to have now that the limitless sky was no longer available to him.

That was, until this morning.

"Watch this everyone!" J called, standing atop a rather precarious looking hill, standing gleefully on tiptoe, waving her arms about.

The Alphablocks present didn't even budge, in fact, I groaned and glared at her from below, "J! Get down from there, you can't and you should know this by now!"

Now that got everyone's attention.

E shoved I aside and called to the blue-clad Alphablock cautiously, A close behind, "J..please don't do this here! A rock is fine, but not that hill!"

A nodded and anxiously hovered next to E, both of them sharing looks that were unfamiliar to Two, "Agreed! You could fall, and that won't be any good!"

"What do you mean?" Five asked, "Alphablocks can't use rays?"

Three scoffed, "Of course they can't, they aren't numbers, Five! They don't have columns... or rows... Oh no.." Her voice teetered from pretentious to slight concern throughout the sentence. As if she was just now registering what danger J was in.

Two gasped, "Isn't that the hill next to the train station?"

One's eye widened, "You're right! That's way too high for jumping!"

"But it's the perfect place for flying!" The tap dancer scrambled to get up, "She's trying to take off!"

"How do you know? She's not doing anything but staring at us!" One asked, "She looks like she's paying attention."

"No One," A frantically shook her head, "J makes that face right before she-"

"J! Wait up!" Two easily hopped up the hill, never having much of a problem before, he was good at jumping, "Don't jump!"

"But I'm a Jaybird! I'm going to fly!" She sang, "Do you want to get a closer look?"

"Uh-well..No." Two rushed for something else to say as J's face faltered, "I'm here to help you!"

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