If You Can't Tell Me The Truth What Kind Of Friends Are We?

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Nineteen watched the artist as he stared at a practically white canvas as if there was something to admire on it.

She tried to see if it was tiny, but there really was nothing.

"Um..why are you staring at a blank canvas?"

Seventeen didn't even skip a beat in his reply.

"Because it wasn't blank."

Nineteen had walked past him doing this for a good solid hour and there wasn't anything on that canvas that whole time.

"I'm sure it was already blank."

Seventeen pointed to the balloons on the ceiling, sighing and walking away to get something to pop them.

"Oh, 17 again?"

"I'm so stupid- Thinking I could like doing this.."

"Seventeen, you can't down yourself for this. It's a good talent!"

"..why does everyone say that..?"

"Because it's true!"

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.." He trailed off, readying a needle and getting a ladder, "Could you make sure it doesn't fall? I really hate it when that happens."

"Sure thing."

He begrudgingly popped all 17 of them, climbing down and looking back at the canvas.

Nineteen wasn't about to let him get long in another probably self degrading thought train, so she waved a hand in his face. Watching as he slowly snapped back into reality, blinking.


"Whatcha doing?" She asked lightheartedly, if he was going to be all negative about this, she'll just have to play the optimist.

"...nothing, why?"

"Okay, cool. Can you do something for me?" The One-off gleefully booped him in the spot his nose would be.

That always made him laugh.

She really liked his laughs..

They were unique.

"Heehee!" He giggled, mood doing a complete 180° from his previous emotion, "Okay, what is it?"

"Let's go play on the pattern wall!"

Seventeen smiled, nodding.

She loved that exhibit, not only because it was her idea, but the fact that Seventeen spent HOURS on end to make it for her. He had to code the whole thing, installing color sensors, and every tile until it worked.

He hadn't taken any breaks either.

"Wanna do some crazy shapes?"

He looked up at the wall, "I'm not sure if I can."

"Sure you can! C'mon!"

She randomly threw he blocks into a random unfamiliar position.

"See? Try to copy this!"

"I'm smaller though.."

"Doesn't matter!" She elbowed him, spinning on her heel as she threw herself onto the pattern wall.


He clearly had some trouble, not used to changing shape so quickly, he had no idea where his blocks could go, and eventually copied the shape.

Nineteen recoiled at the awkward arrangement, "Do I really look that silly?"

"..I don't think it's silly.." He mumbled, shaking himself back into his usual form.

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