To Be Or Not To Be.. (3 x 4)

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*Casually gives Three needlephobia.*

Have fun reading this short fluffy chappie!

Three held her breath in her mouth, not that Four would notice if she held it anywhere else.

Poor me. She thought despairingly, none of the others were probably enduring half the amount of stress that she is.

Except maybe Four, but even his stress was nothing compared to hers.


A little bit.

Three couldn't let the others know that though, so she glared behind her at the square in line who was dragging his feet behind her.

"Hey, what's wrong now?"

"You know what.." He mumbled.

Three rolled her eyes and sighed, purposely slowing down in order to stand next to him, "There's nothing to be scared of, I'm there!"

"I know, I know- But there's a chance, right?"

"Chance of what?"

Four opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again, before deciding against answering the jester.

Three elbowed him, "I'm not going to judge you or anything."

"That doesn't sound very convincing.."

"Alright, I won't laugh either. Is that better?"

Four nodded, "It's the best I'll get with you.."

They walked in silence for another minute before Three had to push him, "So..?"

"...I'm scared about the shot.."

"No duh, I knew that much."

"...Yeah, but-"

"But what?"


"I'm listening..?"

Four suddenly opened his mouth, too many questions that Three couldn't answer rushing out into the air, "...What happens when they put the wrong chemical inside me?..Will I melt? Could they help me? I heard that the shot hurts, it might hurt so much that I pass out! What happens if they put too much in? What about too little and then I have to get another one?!"

"Okay okay okay- First, slow down. Take a deep breath."

Four obeyed, before letting his head fall against Three's side, "...What do I do, Three?"

"You've got the others." She joked, no longer facing him.

"One doesn't even look scared, Two might be upset a little bit because we didn't tell him that there were needles, the Terrible Twos will tease me-"

"I'll understand."

"It's not that.. you... I don't want to make you hold my hand all the time.."

"I'll do it if you're so scared of it, it doesn't bother me."

"You will?" Four gripped her hand, "Really?"

"Wait, you meant literally?"

"" He tried.

"Oh times Infinity- You seriously can't be that scared!"

Hypocrite was the first thing on her mind when she said that, but she shoved it back down into her mind, locking it in a chest, chaining it closed and mentally eating the key.

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