17. Truth and Lies

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Sensui took a seat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. It afforded him an exceptional view of Mushiyori City, which only steeled his resolve. The dark clouds parted before his eyes, revealing the blazing full moon.

A fitting metaphor.

He was so close to victory. Phase One was almost complete. The transmitter was beeping away in the corner. Ghost was performing the necessary reconnaissance. By tomorrow, they could strike in full force with Phase Two. There was just one last major task to complete before that was possible.

Footsteps entered the room behind him. "Mr Sensui,"

"Hello, Mr Hagari," Sensui leaned back in his chair. "Sorry if I don't call you by your nickname. I'm in a more sombre mood,"

Sniper looked over at the meditating figure in the corner. "What's Ghost up to?"

"He's performing a reconnaissance mission," Sensui smirked. "Now that we've found our man, we can progress,"

Sniper nodded. "Right," He stepped aside to reveal that he wasn't alone. "That's why I've brought our colleague Gourmet with me,"

"Good," Sensui spun his chair around. "Toguro. It's time we asked you to contribute to our valiant cause,"

A sinister chuckle sounded from the glowing tank. "Of course," Elder Toguro giggled. "I'll do anything to get vengeance on Yusuke and his piddling gaggle,"

His head had almost fully reformed, along with his neck and right side shoulder. His right arm was mobile again as well. But it still wasn't enough.

"I need more time though," the demon simpered. "In this state, I'm useless. But once I can regroup..."

A giant hand reached into the water and plucked him out of the tank.

"What is this?!" Elder Toguro raged. "Put me down, you brute!"

Gourmet opened his mouth wide.

"No, what are you doing?!" Elder Toguro shrieked. Sensui and Sniper watched with no emotion while Gourmet swallowed him whole.


Kurama retracted the plant in his hand and turned to Yusuke. "It's done," he said quietly. "They won't carry the burden any longer,"

Okubo, Komada and Miyamoto lay dazed on the floor. Any minute now, they'd rise with no memory of their terrifying ordeal. The Flower of Forgetfulness had done its job once again.

"Well, that was illuminating," Genkai said grimly.

"Indeed, but there is still a gap in the events," Kurama stowed the seed back in his hair and got to his feet. Now that the boys had been taken care of, the only thing on his mind was to finally see Sakura and take her into his arms.

Genkai shook her head. "Hold it just one minute, Kurama. There are other things we must discuss first,"

Every instinct in Kurama's body was roaring at him to disobey. His return from Spirit World had not been the blissful relief he'd imagined, and it all started with that phone call.

The moment he'd arrived back in his own body, he'd quickly called the Urameshi apartment to ensure Sakura was safely home from school before going to see her.

He never expected that Keiko would answer the phone in a panic. Through her tears, she'd explained that Kuwabara had been targeted by another of the eight psychics, and Sakura had somehow been caught in the crossfires.

Kurama hadn't hesitated. He'd rushed over to see his precious flower, only to be greeted by a very sombre Genkai and brought directly to Kuwabara's injured and shaken friends. The old woman had point-blank refused to let him anywhere near Sakura, only saying that she was alright, and Botan was looking after her.

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