28. I'll Show You (Part 2): The Safe Zone

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Even after their near brush with the wolf, it seemed life with Master Shin was more than idyllic for the Golden Trio, along with their thirteen other classmates.

Unlike Sakura's solo experience, lessons for the larger group were multifaceted. Every morning, the class would spend several hours in the expansive library learning from textbooks of ancient wisdom, as well as an academic curriculum. Their master insisted strength of intellect was as vital as strength of the body. Perhaps even more so.

Afternoons were devoted to practical study, both physical and mental. In a large group, Master Shin taught psychic techniques in broad strokes before sending them off to hone their skills individually.

While the children worked, Master Shin would call them in pairs to the meditation area. There, he focused on their individual strengths with a customised regime. The wise old mage knew each child's abilities to the letter, and after so many years of teaching, he'd deduced precisely how to draw out their potential.

Six year old Yuto loved telepathy. At four, Hinata had latched onto the Perpetual Flow style but would only work alongside her brother Benjiro. Fellow five year old Shizuka had a penchant for Soul Projection. Master Shin said she'd soon be ready to learn Celestial Serenity with Haruki.

The students were bright eyed, eager and playful in their own way. But the Golden Trio stood head and shoulders above them all.

Bronze haired, feisty and a few weeks shy of his ninth birthday, Kenji was the oldest and easily the most experienced in the class of sixteen. The self-appointed leader, he excelled at any kind of ki training but had less patience when it came time to hit the books. His scowl during academic study was famous. The class joked that Kenji's face was more like a cloud; either thunderous or sunny depending on the activity. However, nobody could deny the boy came to life when demonstrating his martial arts prowess.

In the last year or so, Kenji had begun training with what could only be described as a vengeance. No longer content to merely play, he began saying it was time to 'be a man.' Of course, his teacher couldn't deny him this request, and in a sense it was all over from there.

A compact room was added to the main building as Kenji's private training centre. And for at least two hours a day, he shut himself inside with no distractions allowed. Not even Master Shin would disturb him there.

Once he emerged from the room, Kenji would immediately commence his self-appointed duty of patrolling the grounds, ensuring that nothing and no-one came close. Those hazel eyes were sharp, even dangerous while they scanned every inch of the perimeter. As long as Kenji was around, his younger classmates felt secure.

Seven year old Sora couldn't have been more different. She thrived on books and was competent in most psychic exercises but her first love was telekinesis.

No matter what was thrown at her to levitate, Sora proved equal to the challenge. Furniture, rocks, plants, any small or medium object seemed to yield in her presence. Recently, she'd grown strong enough to start levitating people. Haruki had been the only one brave enough to volunteer as the first test, but when Sora proved more than capable, there was no shortage of students clamouring for a chance to fly. Sora was more than happy to oblige them.

Master Shin said her skills would only increase as she grew up. Perhaps one day, she might even be able to control the elements. The possibilities were endless. But Sora's preferred use for her talents was, in her words, 'making the world more beautiful.'

When they weren't in class, the children spent their time playing in the glorious sunshine. The gardens surrounding the estate were expansive, and provided each one with the chance for fantastic adventures limited only by their imagination.

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