32. Bonus Round

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A.N. I don't normally put these kinds of notes at the chapter beginning, but today I am. So... this is kind of weird to say but...July 4th is actually my birthday. And this year is the first year I've had to spend the day completely alone (except for my gorgeous dog!) so I decided publishing today would be a bit of a gift to myself. Lol. Now I'll just climb into my bomb shelter. Enjoy. Or not!


Kuwabara's voice seemed to have left him. He sat in silence, completely blindsided by Sensui's words.

Oh my God, what the hell does he mean by that?

"Could it be that you've guessed already, Kuwabara? Or not? No matter. I can't say I expected you to figure it out so quickly."

Kuwabara stared at the burn on the side of Sensui's face. Only Sakura's Spirit Flame would be capable of causing that kind of mark.

But if Sensui's out here, then that must mean...!

"No!" Kuwabara looked in horror towards the den, then back at Sensui's smug grin. "What did you do to her?! What's going on in there?!"

Sensui consented to a backwards glance. "Exactly what needs to happen, Kuwabara. Just as it will be for you when the time comes."

Kuwabara's face went scarlet with rage. Smirking, Sensui switched the television on and pressed play.

"This idiot's never gonna cooperate," Gourmet said. "If you ask me, I should just eat him."

Sensui smiled. "No need to be hasty. What's two more hours, anyway?"

Itsuki laughed quietly. "I agree."

Kuwabara opened his mouth to shout again, but stopped when the ground beneath him shook.

He looked up at the ceiling. "Hmmm?"

Aside from the movement, he could hear the sound of a muffled explosion in the distance.

"What the heck was that? Is this a fault line?"

Gourmet looked up too. "It's Game Master. Must've lost."

Kuwabara's heart jumped with relief. "I told ya so!"

"I didn't think anyone could beat him at that game." Gourmet muttered.

"Never underestimate the power of Urameshi and his crew! Hey Sensui, did ya hear that? My pals whooped your little friend's butt. And now they're gonna let me out so I can whoop yours!"

Kuwabara started laughing. For the first time in hours, he felt hopeful. No, it was more than that. He knew everything would be alright. Urameshi and the others would come in and put a stop to this. They'd get him out of these ropes, and then they'd all go into that den and free Sakura...

"Hey listen up, Scarface!" Kuwabara shouted towards the hidden den. "That little brat lost! Urameshi and Kurama will be here any minute now and you'll wish you'd never been born!" Kuwabara was laughing now, his body feeling lighter than air. "Hey Kura, if you can hear me, it's gonna be ok soon! They're almost here. We're all coming to get you!"

"Gourmet, will you please shut that imbecile up?" Sensui growled. "I'm trying to watch a movie."

Gourmet smirked. "Sure."

"Movie?" Kuwabara repeated. "Wait, what do you think you're doing?"

Gourmet walked around him without answering. Kuwabara frowned.

"When you're asked a question, the polite-"


Gourmet's foot swung out of nowhere. Kuwabara hit the ground and slid several feet before coming to a halt. Slowly, painfully, he went to sit up, when Gourmet shoved a scarf into his mouth.

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