Chapter 3

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It has been almost two weeks since my meeting with Zane and that skank. School has been going faaantastic! I have started receiving even more hostile glares now, as if I am about to attack someone. My grades are stable now, B+ and aiming higher, but what sucks is that my former friends remain just that; former, without any explanation. It's been four months. Four freaking months without any communication. Zane recently deleted me from his messenger, his dear girlfriend has banned me all together. My followers' list shrank to the point I have only family, distant relatives and my dojo mates.

Today was fast to pass so, once I got to my locker to get my gym bag, I ran to the dojo. People were practically opening a way for me to pass, as if I wanted to attack them or pass them up something contagious. At some point there was a guy I remembered from 7th grade, a bit of a shady but cool guy. The second he looked at me I saw... appreciation? He nodded at me and I halted in front of him.

'Care to explain why everyone treats me as if I am the sole bringer of black death?'

He clearly didn't expect my question. He looked down at first, as if he wanted to be very careful with what he was about to say. Hell, even his friends seemed edgy. What the heck?

'Uhm, well, in our circle, you are kinda like a hero man. No offence, really' he said in a light tone.

'What are you talking about?' Were they all gay? That would be unexpected.

'We saw the video man. It was everywhere a few months ago. No wonder why no one tagged you though, everyone is scared shitless.'

My eyebrows involuntarily frowned. 'Video?' Then it hit me 'wait, you mean the footage of the mugging?'

The guy smirked 'exactly! Dude that was sick, you taking on four people like that, dominating them and taking what's yours, damn. Then you literally went and surrendered to the police like a badass. Next day, you were here as if nothing happened. You seriously have skills and connections man, no one wants to mess with you.'

I was taken aback by all that, but I decided to ask the questions that mattered 'taking what is mine?'

'Man, you even made Zane Jones, THE Zane Jones, untouchable incorporated, get scared and petrified, after being friends for years. No wonder he gave you his things to save his own ass. His mates weren't as lucky though.'

I stood dumbfounded. What? WHAT?!

'Wait a second-'

'You don't need to explain anything to us man' a friend of his said who was half a head taller than me 'you got a rep to keep. It's cool. If you ever need anything, call us here' he actually handed me a list of their names and numbers. Did he have a list ready to give it to me on him at all times? I almost laughed.

'You are badass, Mike Alexis.'

They bumped my shoulders friendly, all seven of them, and they walked outside. I just stood there.

An actual gang of, according to rumors, teenage thugs commended me just now. For taking on four people. Not three, four. And apparently I assaulted them all, including Zane? According to a video?

Suddenly, I decided to get in an empty classroom and check what they were talking about. I entered a class and three girls that were in there instantly looked at me in fear.

'Uhm, sorry to ask this of you, but could you continue what you were doing? I am not here to cause trouble.'

Their hands were shaking. SHAKING, OMG this fear of me felt weird. The bravest one of them asked 'wouldn't it be better if we left? Your friends might come here.'

'I am a lone wolf' I said mystically. Damn, if they think I am some sort of a badass, then I might use it as a mask for now. 'Plus, hurting girls is not my thing. I'd never want anyone to treat my sister or mother badly, so why would I treat you like shit?'

It took them time to register what I just said. But they nodded and even gave me a small smile as they kept chatting while keeping an eye on me.

I sighed 'thanks' as I took out my laptop. I opened my fake account and went into Zane's profile. Four months ago, nothing.

After checking Velma account, I saw no such thing. Plus most of the posts were private. Then I remembered.

I took out my phone and called the first number I saw on the gang member list.

'Yes?' The voice asked.

'Alexis here' I said, my voice a bit rough. I heard him gasp and I smirked. Wow, the horror, the horror!

'Uhm, hey man, what's up?'

'First off, your name's Samuel Knowns, right? I'm gonna call you S, is that ok?'

He chuckled nervously 'sure man.'

'Ok, so I have a small thing to ask. If you guys help me, I might teach your gang a few things about fighting.'

He gasped again and whistled. He repeated what I just told him to his mates no doubt. That in turn made more gasps sound and affirmative grunts.

'They are in. What is the favor?'

'Send me the video you mentioned before. Apparently the footage was deleted from my laptop for some dumb reason.'

'Is that... all? I mean,for what you offer, it is a small favor.'

'True' I said smirking 'so, I will leave that option open. If I ever need something and you can help me out, you will act on this pact here. No questions asked. Understood?'

He transferred my question to his friends. They sounded nervous but they agreed.

'Ok champ, we are in.'

'No need to call me champ; call me Mike. I will be waiting for the video, just send it on messenger or Insta'

'Sure dude, catch you later.'

'Tomorrow, 5PM, Cobalt swings playground, first training. Don't be late.'

'Wow, ok dude. We will be there. Cya.'

'Thanks S.'

I smiled. Wow, after four months of isolation, my brain figured out something about this situation. Whoever made the mugging incident seem that it was my doing, made sure that Zane didn't know, at least publicly.

Then, his bitch girlfriend literally called me gay pervert, so I guess his reason of distancing himself from me was connected to that. Because there is no way, no matter what the content of the video was, to make me seem the bad guy to the very almost victim of the case I assisted. So the dirt was somewhere else.

Interesting, two false accusations. One clearly distorted, the other's roots still unknown. Not for long, I thought in a hopeful way.

Wow, I am either clever or a big idiot. Of course, Odette would answer, even half heartedly, because she can't really keep her mouth shut around people she considers close to her. I might need to use some of my persuasive skills to get her to speak openly.

If she clears things up though, then what? Even if the video was tampered with, does it change anything? Will my friends come back? Do I want them to come back now? Honestly, I don't know.

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